Tag: yisrael b. natan

7 records found
Addendum/postscript of a letter from Yisrael b. Natan, in Jerusalem, to Nahray b. Nissim, in Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. He reports that there is demand in Jerusalem for black, sky-colored, and all colors of silk (shēsh) except for crimson. Crimson silk might sell in Ramla or ʿAsqalān. As for coral (marjān), demand is low in Jerusalem. But Nahray can bring some if he wishes, and maybe he will find some Persians to buy it. (NB: this shelfmark was previously known as JTS Geniza Misc. 15.) Gil translates marjān as "small pearls," but see Goitein and Friedman, India Traders, p. 170 note 18 for the argument that it must refer to coral.
Letter from Yisrael b. Natan in Jerusalem to Nahray b. Nissim in Fustat. November 29, 1061. Concerning copying books and family matters. Mentions Zakkai ha-Nasi, Daniel b. Azarya's brother, and his son, who were about to arrive in Fustat. Also mentions a few people that were coming from Byzantium, traveled through Jerusalem, and some of them stayed there. (Information from Gil, Palestine, vol. 3, pp. 160-164, #479). VMR
Letter from Yisrael b. Natan from Jerusalem to Ismail b. Yitzhak al-Andalusi from Fustat. Yisrael b. Natan expresses his worries because of the absence in letters from Ismail. Cc. 1065. VMR
Letter from Yisrael B. Natan, Jerusalem, to Nahray B. Nissim, Fustat. Includes details about the agreement between Daniel B. Azarya and the brothers Yosef and Eliya the Cohanim, sons of Shelomo Gaon. December 20, 1051. VMR
Letter from Yisrael B. Natan, Jerusalem, to Nahray B. Nissim, Fustat. Israel suggests Nahariya to get out of a deal he made and asks for money to buy clothes. The letter includes the news that the "Rosh" - Daniel B. Azarya is coming to Jerusalem, via Nablus, and about his meeting with Eliya HaCohen, son of Shelomo Gaon. August 24, 1052. VMR
Letter from Yisrael b. Natan, Tyre, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat, ca. 1060 in the month of Ab.
Letter from Yisrael b. Natan, Jerusalem, to Nahray b. Nissim, Fustat. Dating: March 1062 CE. Among other matters, Yisrael reports that he is in bad shape: he was sick with congestion (nazla), a cough (suʿāl), and eye pain (wajaʿ al-ʿaynayn), although now he is feeling somewhat better. He asks Nahray to obtain bitumen (qifār) from Abū l-Faraj Yeshuʿa, and send it to him, "for this is the most helpful (drug) for me." ASE