Tag: yosef karo

3 records found
Fragment of a letter in Hebrew from the second half of the 16th century, mentioning attempts to prevent a certain edict, in which R. Yosef Karo was involved (he is mentioned twice in this letter). Damascus is also mentioned.
Account register. In Ladino. 3 bifolia. Dated 5450s AM, which is 1690s CE. On the left side of folio 3r there is reference to the sale of a copy of R. Yosef Karo's Shulchan Arukh (line 7). Needs examination.
Bill of debt, from 1519. Yehuda b. Avraham known as Deloya is taking an oath to repay his debt to Yehuda b. Ya'aqov known as Menahem. On Verso an approval by the debtor that he received part of the debt, signed by Yosef Karo.