Tag: 19th c

246 records found
Lists in Judeo-Arabic that mention a wide array of "ağa / אגה" official titleholders and are dated to 18 Safar 1243AH which is September 1827CE. For example, the heading furthest down on the verso mentions an individual by the name of Selim Ağa in connection with the commodity saffron. The coinage used in many entries is the silver kurush. MCD.
Ledger bifolium in Arabic dated on the recto's left heading as Rebi' II 1238AH which is 1822CE. The scribal hand is highly trained and the accounting format encompasses a wide array of distinct entries. MCD.
List in Judaeo-Arabic of payments dated in the year 1207-1208AH which is 1792/93CE. Although the document itself is dated with the Hijri calendar the payments listed within it are designated according to months within the Jewish calendar. The transaction is between two individuals listed in the heading and note along the bottom, as Shelomo Siman[?] and Yaʿacov Zabriel[?]. MCD.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic of monetary contributions for children that were recorded in 5576 which is 1815/16CE. The contents of this shelfmark may be related to its neighboring fragment C 33, yet the structure of the list here is distinct in that there is more focus on the surnames of contributors, such as: Aghion, 'Akubas, Bilobos, Franses, and others. The monetary symbol for silver kurush appears throughout, but it is not clear that this is the only form of coinage in use given the mention of "פצה / silver" which often appears as a distinct denomination in other shelfmarks from the JRL C Series and elsewhere. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of food and possibly charity-related communal expenses in the year 5560JC which is 1799/1800CE. The lists mention a wide array of food items and "אל אולאד / the children", which is repeated frequently on the recto. The contents of the verso are in the same hand yet cover numerical calculations that taken together lack the helpful labels of the recto. MCD.
Receipt for a financial transaction in Arabic recorded in Alexandria on 3 Jumada I 1236AH which is February 1821CE. The basis of the transaction in silver kuruş is explained in the heading and the note below the long list of itemized entries. The official who signed the bottom of the document bore the title of "ağa/اغا" and was also serving as a commercial "overseer / ناظر". MCD.
Accounts in Arabic dated on the verso's heading as Jumada I[?] of the year 1238AH which is 1823CE. The structure of the accounts is complex and may represent a fragment of a broader financial ledger. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dated in Shawwal 1237AH which is January/February 1834CE. All of the monetary figures are expressed in "פצה /silver" and a variety of individuals are named, such as: Shemuʾel Ayali and Barukh Meṣlīh. MCD.
Accounts in Ladino dated in the first line of the recto as 8 Elul 5588JC which is 18 August 1828CE. There are many detailed entries accompanying the numerical calculations and one in particular on the recto offers a sense of their purpose: "del libro de lo ke me deven la gente / from the book of what people owe me" (l. 6-7r). This phrase can be found throughout other entries on the recto and verso, thus pointing to the likelihood that many of these figures express debts owed. MCD.
Lists of contributions and calculations in Judeo-Arabic related to the communal kosher meat tax known as "gabela". The entries on the first folio's recto record the months Adar-Av ("Menachem") of the year solely referred to as "קץ"[?]. The final letters of the year mentioned in each heading contain a difficult flourish but it is likely that the first three digits can be inferred as התק = 5500= 1740 which helps to date the source as 1740-1840CE. Given the presence of Moshe Ben Naʿīm's name, who is widely attested in nineteenth century sources, it is likely that the same is also the case for this fragment. The monetary figures related to the kosher tax are recorded in silver kuruş (indicated by "ق" at the top of each column) and another type of silver coinage "פצה". The features of this fragment suggest the existence of a broader communal tax register. Date: 19th c. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew related to communal contributions that are organized in a format similar to JRL SERIES C 63. In the second line of each list the year appears as 5600JC which is 1839/40CE. The monetary figures are listed in "פצה / silver" and are organized chronologically according to the weeks of the liturgical calendar and their corresponding parshas as well as holidays (such as Simchat Torah). This format of timekeeping is common with communal documents throughout the JRL Series C fragments. The individuals mentioned in the headings on the recto and verso include Haim Hanan, Kelifa Haim, Nesim Hanan, and Solomon Simḥon.
List of monetary figures in Arabic from one Ibrāhīm Malikī in which one of the entries on the verso mentions the year 1256 AH and the date 7 M[uharrem?], which is 1840CE. On both the recto and verso the symbol for silver kuruş appears throughout as "ق". The heading on the verso uses the verb " which suggests payments made but it is unclear whether Ibrāhīm Malikī receiving or making the payments described. MCD.
List of names and monetary figures related to communal finances and/ or charity in the year 5603JC which is 1842/1843CE. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot dated in the year 5596 which is 1835/1836CE. Each list is designated by specific weeks of the liturgical calender indicated by each respective parsha reading. On the right page of the recto there are many surnames listed with corresponding monetary amounts in Ottoman silver kuruş, which is indicated by the "ق" at the top of each column in eastern Arabic numerals. Among the surnames listed, there is mention of: ʿAkubas, Romano, Kohen, Karo, Yaʿabeṣ, ʿAfif, Lombrozo, and many others. On the left side of the recto, the purpose of various entries is more clear with the common phrase "וצל" and then a surname– which is likely indicating incoming payments. The same bookkeeping format continues on the verso. MCD.
Recto: Letter from David b. Naʿim to Meir b. Naʿim. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 18 Elul 5580, which is 1820 CE. On verso there is a calendar for the year 5584 AM, which is 1823/24 CE.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot dated in the year 5596 which is 1835/1836CE. Each list is designated by specific weeks of the liturgical calender indicated by each respective parsha reading. On the right page of the recto there are many surnames listed with corresponding monetary amounts in Ottoman silver kuruş, which is indicated by the "ق" at the top of each column in eastern Arabic numerals. Among the surnames listed, there is mention of: 'Akubas, Romano, Kohen, Karo, Yabitz, Afif, Lombrozo, 'Afif, and many others. On the left side of the recto, the purpose of various entries is more clear with the common phrase "וצל" and then a surname– which is likely indicating incoming payments. The same bookkeeping format continues on the verso. MCD.
List in Judeo-Arabic related to the communal "chest / ארגז" of the Sephardim in Adar I [55]93 which is March 1833CE. The monetary figures are in eastern Arabic numerals that span two columns, one indicated by "ق" for silver kuruş and then another silver coinage listed generically as "פצה". The same list format appears on the verso, although a key word in the heading is "מקבוץ" which indicates incoming payments "received" or "obtained". On the verso, the name Yaʿaqov Portos is mentioned. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic of a wide array of purchases in the year [12]55AH which can be inferred by the usage of the Hijri months Sha'ban on the recto and [Dhu] al-Qa'da on the verso (which is 1839CE). The names of many involved in the purchases are listed such as: Ḥajj Aḥmed Silāmi, Ḥasan Aḥmed Minshāwi, Ḥasan Kerker[?] Bāsha, Mūsā Berakāt, and on the verso: Mikhail Bogros[?] and Ibrāhīm Borketli[?]. In the verso's thrid entry on the right there is mention of the Ottoman Turkish term "ruznama" or "ruznāme / רוזנאמה" which may be a register of daily financial transactions or, less likely, a calendar specifically for Hijri time-keeping. MCD.
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic to Yaʿaqov Yuʿbaṣ, dated 3 June 1825 (17 Sivan 5585), with additional writing on verso.
Letter from Avraham ha-Levi, in Damietta (קפוטקיא), to Karo y Frances & Company, in Cairo/Fustat. Mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: Tuesday, 25 Ḥeshvan 5569 AM, which is 1808 CE. Mentions people such as ʿUmar Serada(?), Ḥasan Abū l-Faḍl, Aḥmad Shaltūt, Yisrael ha-Levi, Saʿd Pinto, Avraham ha-Levi Skandari, and Avraham Maymūn. Also mentions 4 French ships.