Tag: communal

747 records found
List in Ladino and Hebrew that is brief in length and uses western Arabic numerals. Based on the paleography the dating is potentially 17th/18th-century. Among the six entries, the mention of "gasto" is helpful and may suggest that the list is related to expenses. There is also mention of "mercado" which is likely a literal "market" in this case, rather than a male first name. On of the entries in Hebrew mentions a book "הספר במעון הקונטאנטי". The first entry includes the ק׳׳ק so the expenses may be related, in part, to the Jewish community. MCD.
List in Judeo-Arabic of monetary amounts and calculations related the communal "chest / ארגז" of the Mustʿarabīm in the end of Nisan 5590 which is April 1830CE. The monetary figures are expressed in two columns, one in "silver / פצה" and the other "גה" which must be an abbreviation but is unclear in meaning. Many individuals of the community are listed such as: Efrayim Hakīm, Shemuel Mizraḥi, Yaʿacov Yaʿabeṣ Saraf, Ḥayyim Ḥazaq, Yosef Manṣuri, and many others. On the verso another list appears that is recorded with a similar structure as the recto. MCD.
List in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot of the year 5556 = 1795/96CE. The weekly parshas are listed such as "אחרי מות" and the formula for each weekly entry repeats, as "עלם מקבוץ ס[דר] אחרי מות של שנת התקנו" which translates as "notice of the [contributions] received [for] seder Acharei Mot for the year of 5556". The week of Passover also appears among the entries on the recto and verso. There are many examples of this communal register type from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, such as AIU VII.F.60 and JRL SERIES B 2003. MCD.
List in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot that may be dated in connection with nearby shelfmarks of the same document type (i.e. JRL Series C 156). The weekly parshas are listed such as "פינחס" and the formula for each weekly entry repeats, as "עלם מקבוץ יום שישי סדר פינחס " which translates as "notice of the [contributions] on Friday received [for] seder Pinchas". There are many examples of this communal register type from the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, such as AIU VII.F.60 and JRL SERIES B 2003. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and pen trials of the Arabic alphabet that can be dated on the recto to the night of Simchat Torah of [5]586JC which is October 4 1825CE. On the recto, the community of the "מיצירין / Egyptians" is listed and throughout there are monetary values listed in silver kuruş (indicated by a "ق" symbol on many occasions). The bifolium's inner crease contains two holes that suggest it was once bound as part of a broader ledger or notebook. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of "מצרופ/expenses" on food items organized according to weeks of the liturgical calendar that are indicated by their respective parsha readings (i.e. "Eikev/עקב" on recto and "Pinechas/פינחס" on verso). The purpose of this list may have been communal and based on the paleography and method of timekeeping, the fragment likely dates to the 18th or 19th centuries. The food items and related goods in the lists include: "לחם/meat" (recto and verso), "משמש/apricots" (l. 7r), "פחם/charcoal" (l. 16r), and other itemized goods that correspond with monetary figures in "פצה/silver" (which is a label for the right column in each list). On the verso the first name Efraim is mentioned at the end of each list in the phrase "ואצל דאלך מן ס׳ אפראים/ this is being paid by S[eñor] Efraim". MCD.
List related to the communal "chest / ארגז" of the Maghrebi community (here written as "מערבים" in the heading). The list's structure and paleography help to estimate its dating as 18th/19th-century. A wide array of names are listed along with corresponding monetary figures, such as: Barukh Meṣlīḥ, Yehuda Qudsī, Nissim Mosseri, Yosef Zeytūn, and many others. MCD.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic of monetary contributions for children that were recorded in 5576 which is 1815/16CE. The contents of this shelfmark may be related to its neighboring fragment C 33, yet the structure of the list here is distinct in that there is more focus on the surnames of contributors, such as: Aghion, 'Akubas, Bilobos, Franses, and others. The monetary symbol for silver kurush appears throughout, but it is not clear that this is the only form of coinage in use given the mention of "פצה / silver" which often appears as a distinct denomination in other shelfmarks from the JRL C Series and elsewhere. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic of food and possibly charity-related communal expenses in the year 5560JC which is 1799/1800CE. The lists mention a wide array of food items and "אל אולאד / the children", which is repeated frequently on the recto. The contents of the verso are in the same hand yet cover numerical calculations that taken together lack the helpful labels of the recto. MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic on a bifolium in which the name Yaʿacov Ventura is mentioned at least three times across the recto and verso. Based on the paleography the dating may be 17th-18th-century. The figures are expressed alphanumerically and the clearest heading on the recto states "ועלם אלדי אנצרפ פי אל שהר / notice of that which was expended this month". The expenses which appear below this specific heading are diverse, with mention of "דגאג / chicken", yet may ultimately point to the communal nature of these accounts with mention of the posts of "חזנים / hazzanim" and the beadles "סלמון שמש" and "אלכהן שמש". Date: 17th c or 18th c. MCD.
List of communal contributions received in the month of Adar I that dates to the late-18th or early-19th centuries, based on the names mentioned onr recto, paleography, and structure of other lists in JRL Series C. The list on the verso mentions "מצרופ / expenses" rather than "מקבוץ / received" which is the key term on the recto that indicates incoming rather than outgoing funds. Many names are listed on the recto, such as: Yitzhak Abu Harun, Eliahu Menashe, Aharon Simhon, and others. On the verso, the expesnses are indicated for example, with "חזן / hazzan" and "סופר / scribe". Therefore the latter numerical figures may indicate payments made to individuals who held these posts. MCD.
Lists of contributions and calculations in Judeo-Arabic related to the communal kosher meat tax known as "gabela". The entries on the first folio's recto record the months Adar-Av ("Menachem") of the year solely referred to as "קץ"[?]. The final letters of the year mentioned in each heading contain a difficult flourish but it is likely that the first three digits can be inferred as התק = 5500= 1740 which helps to date the source as 1740-1840CE. Given the presence of Moshe Ben Naʿīm's name, who is widely attested in nineteenth century sources, it is likely that the same is also the case for this fragment. The monetary figures related to the kosher tax are recorded in silver kuruş (indicated by "ق" at the top of each column) and another type of silver coinage "פצה". The features of this fragment suggest the existence of a broader communal tax register. Date: 19th c. MCD.
Lists related to communal contributions that are organized in a format according to the weeks of the liturgical calendar and their corresponding parshas as well as holidays (such as Succot and Yom Kippur). On both the recto and the verso, the year is mentioned but only legible on the recto as 5531 (1770/1771CE). This format of timekeeping is common with communal documents throughout the JRL Series C fragments yet this specific fragment is unique given the usage of western rather than eastern Arabic numerals. A handful of surnames appear and on the verso there is a list of food items. MCD.
Lists of weekly communal contributions given before various Shabbatot that are organized according to the weeks of the liturgical calendar and their corresponding parshas. In the heading of the upper left entry for the week of the Hazinu parsha, the year 5553 appears which is 1792/93CE. This form of communal recordkeeping has a wide array of joins from the late 18th and early 19th centuries such as JRL SERIES C 161. MCD.
List of names and corresponding monetary values in "פצה / silver." The list's heading on the recto describes these values as "מטלוב עלם חסאב קיימה טרפ אלנאס / requested notice calculating the value for the part [of each] of the people". Based on the wide array of surnames common in the late-18th to early-19th centuries this may be a communal list. Among those listed on the recto are: Yitzhak Tawil, Yosef Zeytun, Moshe Romano, Ḥayyim Karo, Eliyyahu Dayyan, and on the verso: Shemuel Azulay and David Ben Naʿīm. The latter two names on the verso stand out because following their names, we find the phrase in Hebrew: "לסוף לך לך / for the end of Lekh Lekha". Like many other lists following the parshas in the liturgical calendar in JRL Series C, and their many joins across other collections, this temporal designation probably indicates contributions made to the community in that specific week of the liturgical calendar. Date: 19th c. MCD.
Lists in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot. Individual contributors are mentioned and specific weeks of the liturgical calender are indicated by each respective parsha reading. Although there are many shelfmarks similar to this nearby in JRL Series C which date to the late-18th or early-19th centuries, the format of the lists here is somewhat distinct, especially given the verso's calculations that keep track of funds connected specifically to one Yisrael Pinto. MCD.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic related to the week of the Bereshit parsha which range from an inventory for food items (recto), possibly for a shabbat dinner, and the Sefer Torah of Eliyyahu Saragossi (verso). The latter name is mentioned in a list with other Jews who lived in Cairo across the late-18th/early-19th centuries, such as Shimʿon Franses and Eliyyahu Franses. To the left of this list there is an entry noting the receipt of 2 raṭls of olive oil (zayt ṭayyib) from Khelīfa Dayyan and Musa Racah[?]. Further down on the page another list appears which is likely registering monetary amounts of Shabbat donations for the week of the Bereshit parsha. MCD.
List of names and monetary figures related to communal finances and/ or charity in the year 5603JC which is 1842/1843CE. MCD.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot. Each list is designated by individual contributors and specific weeks of the liturgical calender that are indicated by each respective parsha reading (i.e. Mishpatim and Pekudei). At the top of the recto and verso the year 5538JC appears which is 1777/1778CE. This fragment is serving the same purpose of communal recordkeeping as surrounding shelfmarks that also record Shabbat donations such as JRL SERIES C 76, JRL SERIES C 77 and JRL SERIES C 93. This particular shelfmark is not a join to these two others, however, because the scribal hand and layout are distinct. MCD.
Lists in Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew of donations collected before various Shabbatot. Each list is designated by individual contributors and specific weeks of the liturgical calender that are indicated by each respective parsha reading (i.e. Qedoshim, Bechukotai). This fragment is therefore serving the same purpose of communal recordkeeping as surrounding shelfmarks that also record Shabbat donations such as JRL SERIES C 77 and JRL SERIES C 93. This particular shelfmark is not a join to these two others, however, because the scribal hand and layout are distinct and it's even possible that red ink was used here but has since faded. MCD.