Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Fragment from a decorated Ketubbah of Menaḥem b. [...] (groom) and Rayna b. [...] (bride). Dated 21st Iyyar 5372 (= 1612 CE). AA
Bible commentary
Recto: Judaeo-Arabic bill pf release to Yaḥyā b. Joseph possibly by Abū l-Ḥasan. Verso: Aramaic/Hebrew confirmation of the document on recto by the Bet Din to [...] b. Yaḥyā, on the confession of [...] bat Abū l-Ḥasan. Signed by Moses b. Saʿadiah ha-Kohen. AA
On recto piyyut. On verso fragment from a ketubbah contains mostly the dowry list. AA
Ketubbah of ʿEli [b. ...] (groom). No further details preserved. Signed by Nissim b. Hillel, Harun b. Fūhīd ha-Levi, Solomon b. Zakkār, Yeshuah b. Jos[eph], [Ja]cob b. Isaac, Ḵalaf [b. ...]. On verso one signature probably from another document, signed by Mevorakh b. Yeshu'a. May belong with TS 12.622. AA
Ketubbah for [...] b. Eleazar (bride). Dated 28th Elul 15[.. Sel.], in the time of R. Abraham (possibly Maimonides?). Might be by the hand of Yeḥiʾel b. Elyaqim (1213-1233). Heading in large square script. 2 lines on verso run transversely, probably a draft of an opening of a letter. Below the text a drawing of a circle with few Arabic words. AA
A damaged Ketubbah of Joseph b. ʿEli (groom), dated [...] Kislev [...]. No other details preserved. Probably written by Halfon b. Menasheshe Halevi. AA
Damaged Legal document on vellum, with few details preserved. Signed by [...] ha-Kohen b. Ahuv? AA
Recto: Bill of release of Abraham and his brother [...], sons of Isaac, to [...]. Witnessed by Menaḥem b. Nathan, Abū l-Ḥay b. Hezekiah, Nissim b. Maymon Majani, Yeshua b. Sayyid. Attested by the court: Joseph b. Josiah, Nissi[m] b. Sime[on], Moses b. Joseph, Menaḥem b. Isaac. Verso: manuscript has been re-used as the cover of a book: ופר[...]רש דרבי אלעזר. AA
Deed of gift, signed by Breakhot b. Elazar. The other signatures are not preserved. The parties Abu al-Muna, and Tamim ha-Parnas. This Tamim is known from other document relating to the pious foundations: TS 8J11.7d (from 1182, published Gil, Pious foundations, no. 82) and TS 8J11.7a-b (Gil, ibid. no. 88). In the bottom what has left from the establishment of the deed, only the name Tiqva b. Yefet survived. Written by Mevorakh b. Natan (1150-1181). AA
Bottom of a Ketubbah, signed by Yeshuʿah b. [...] and Saʿadiah b. Solomon. We find here remnants of the immersion enactment issued by Maimonides in 1176. Written by Moshe b. Perahya, who served as a muqaddam of Minyat Ghamar (active 1220-1238 ca.). This Moshe was Abrham Ibn Yiju grandson from his daughter Sitt al-Dar. AA
Ketubbah of Meshullam ha-Kohen (groom). Few words from the beginning of travel stipulation survived. No further details are preserved. AA
Three legal documents from 1207 CE (a deed of guardianship, a will and a remission of debts). Names mentioned include Sitt al-Maʿānī bat Yešuʿa b. Hillel b. Yefet (wife of Abraham b. Solomon b. Josiah), her son Solomon, ʿAmram and Zechariah b. Nathaniel, Sitt al-Kitāb d. Aaron, the widow of Yešuʿa b. Hillel b. Yefet, Abū l-Najm, Abū l-Hasan, Hilāl Abū l-Faḍl, Ḥifẓ b. Joseph, and Abū Najm b. Abū l-Faraj. (CUDL)
Draft of a legal document concerning a debt to Solomon b. Abraham from Ṣibyān. On verso: Arabic an earlier text (needs examination). AA
Legal document: ketubba for [...ba]t Mawhūb (bride). Witnessed by Yishaq b. Saʿ[adya], [... b.] Efrayim, Yeshuʿa ha-Levi b. Aharon, Yaaqov ha-Levi b. [...]she, Amram b. Yiftah. Dating: 11th century. AA
Strip from the bottom part of a legal document with no details preserved. Signed by [... b.] Obadiah. On vellum. AA
Ketubbah of [...] b. Solomon (groom). Dated [...] Sel. in Fusṭāṭ. Written by Emmanuel b. Yeḥiel, Middle of 13th century. Probably under the reign of David b. Abraham Maimuni. AA
Ketubbah of Hillel b. Yeshuʿa (groom), dated [..] Tishri 4[... A.M.]. It is probably a ketuba de'irkasa - replacement for a lost ketubah based on the verb ונסיבנא . AA
Karaite ketubbah, in which only the introductory biblical verses are preserved: 2 Chronicles 26:5; Proverbs 18:22; Psalms 37:23; Jeremiah 7:34. On the top margin pen trials. AA
Top right strip from a Ketubbah of Ṣedaqa [b. ...] (groom), with no further details preserved. AA