Tag: magic

238 records found
Magical text.
Amulet with tehillim.
REcto: colophon of non-magical text. written by Evyatar b. Tuvia. The text below reads: בתאריך יום צום אלצגיר קלת נעים למכין אבנהא יא מצרוב באלצט אה אה אה Verso: בשמך רחמנה וחננא ובשם-... ובאברסכס... שאילת חלום (Info ftpm FGP by Gideon Bohak)
An amulet destined to silence the woman's opponents, particularly Abu al-Surur. The two people in question may perhaps be identified with a married couple mentioned in T-S 12.559, a release document given by Sa'adya b. Joshua, the father of a woman named Sitt al-Husn to her husband Perahya Abu al-Surur b. Yosef, after Sitt al-Husn's death. (Info from Bohak and Saar, Genizah magical texts prepared for or against named individuals, p. 87)
Introduction to a work on magic/telling the future, probably in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, probably a join with L-G Misc. 16.
Amulet to make Yosef b. Amira (also known as Yosef b. Efrayim) return quickly to Fustat. The angels are called upon to not let him rest, and for him not to eat or drink or sleep, before he fulfills this wish. A family member back home (his wife?) had this amulet drawn up. AA, ASE, OZ.
Magical recipe. To make X love Y? Mixture of Hebrew and Arabic characters (FGP)
Dream interpretation. (FGP)
Magical recipes in Judaeo-Arabic (with some Arabic script and magical symbols). One recipe is for nosebleed and involves writing a spell with the blood on the forehead.
Magical recipes to release someone from prison, heal a sick person, make a barren woman pregnant, etc. Information from Gideon Bohak via FGP.
Magic. "Hekh-type names דבצביב הוא יהו יהוה הֹגֹ גבגביב... עמעמירון... לפלפירון וכו." Information from FGP.
Magic. "Hekh-type names דבצביב הוא יהו יהוה הֹגֹ גבגביב... עמעמירון... לפלפירון וכו." Information from FGP.
Magic. In Aramaic. "Adjuration to open a door (תרעא), lock (קופל...סוגר). A ref. to יעמדו על הר הזיתים." Information from FGP.
Dream interpretation
Goralot (Lots)
Note from Abū Thābit al-Ṣayrafī to a certain Rabbenu Shemuel asking him to declare a ban of excommunication against whoever cast a spell on someone or willed him harm and does not reverse it immediately. Shelomo b. Eliyyahu makes the same request in ENA 4020.49, but without further evidence about the identities of Abū Thābit and Shemuel, there is no way to know if the two documents are connected. ASE
Notebook with diverse contents. Late. There are several pages of detailed accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, and at least two pages of magical spells in Judaeo-Persian. ASE.
Magical fragment. In Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Dated: Wednesday, 16 Adar 5005 AM, which is 1245 CE. Gives a spell for annulling other spells, warding off umm al-ṣibyān (infant colic or epilepsy), and exorcising the spirits of the jinn from one who is afflicted (muṣāb). It should be concealed from ignoramuses. The formula is copied out, following a basmala, in both unconnected Arabic script and in Judaeo-Arabic. The Judaeo-Arabic portion concludes with Q10:81, "Moses said, 'What you have brought is [only] magic. Indeed, Allah wille expose its worthlessness. Indeed, Allah does not amend the work of corrupters.'"