Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Medical prescription, which includes ingredients such as crushed marsh mallow, liquorice, chicory seed, senna, and lemon juice. (CUDL). AA.
dates of important biblical and historical events. AA
4 fragments of a ketubah from 1107. The bride is Sitt al-Dar b. Yefet. The groom is Eli b. Yehezkel ha-Haver be-Sanhedrin Gedola. Contains also a dowry list. Signed by: Mevorakh b. Isaac, Isaac b. Ghalib, Efrayim b. Sasson, A[vraha]m b. Shabetay, Issac b. Shmuel, Elya b. Daniel, Israel b. Shlomo, Shemaryah Hakohen b. Natan, Yosef b. Isaac (his father name is only partly preserved), Halfo[n] b. Mevorakh (in a very crude hand with error in spelling חלפו בר מברך). AA
Poem of praise, or example of a poetic opening to a letter. (cudl)
India Book 4 A letter from Ibn al-Fakhar to Halfon b. Nethanel Halevi, asking for assistance and sending regards to R. Yosef Ibn Migash and relatives. Probably Granada summer 1138-spring 1139. AA
Hannanel b. Samuel ספר המצוות, autograph. AA
Draft of a halakhic discussion in the hand of Ḥananel b. Samuel.
Late business account. AA
business account in Arabic script. AA
Business accounts, very faded. AA
Late. Business accounts.
Jottings including accounts
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Late.
Business accounts
Jottings including business accounts
Recto: Hebrew jottings including Psalms 141:10 Verso: Possibly part of an Arabic document
Business accounts
Arabic document - needs examination.
Arabic document - needs examination.
Beginning of a document - needs examination.