Tag: karaite

319 records found
Karaite bill of debt. Monday. Shevat 5th, 5409 Era of creation (1649)
Karaite prenuptial agreement from the year 1746.
A Karaite agreement to give a bill of divorce in case the husband will be absent for more than one year.
Karaite bill of debt. Erroneously described as ketubah in Ktiv. Dated 1661
Karaite engagement deed. Ishaq b. Aharon Hakim is engaging Qamr d. Nissim b. Yosef. Dated 14th Adar I, 5529 Era of creation (1769)
Karaite prenuptial agreement between Yehuda b. Yeshu'a Levi and 'Aziza d. Yehuda Levi. Dated Friday 13th Tevet 5515 Era of creation (1755)
Karaite partnership agreement. Dated Sunday 22nd Nisan 5441 Era of creation (1681)
Karaite prenuptial agreement between Shalom b. Ya'aqov and Qamr d. Hesed al-Levi b. Ishaq Levi known as Qudsi. The groom is taking upon himself not to travel abroad, and if he will travel and will be missing for more than a year his wife is permitted to return to her home and divorce if she wish to. Dated Sunday 21st Heshvan 5511 Era of creation.
Karaite engagement deed between Avraham b. Eliyahu Fairouz and Zamorda d. 'Aziel, Dated Monday 10th Adar 5513 Era of creation (1753)
Karaite prenuptial agreement executed at the time of the betrothal between Nissim Levi b. Moshe and Rahma d. Avraham. Dated Sunday 17th Kislev 5509 Era of creation (1749)
Karaite betrothal deed between Ya'aqov b. Avraham and Rachel d. Shabetay b. Yosef. The groom is taking upon himself that if he will be absent more than a year this wife is permitted to ask for divorce. The betrothal is done by giving a ring and reciting Shir la-Ma'alot. Dated Wednesday, 8th Tishrei 5515 era of creation.
Karaite prenuptial agreement between Moshe b. Yosef Fairouz and Esther b. David dated Monday 15th Sivan 5153 (1753)
Karaite bill of release of a debt, dated
A Karaite agreement regarding a shop dated 28th Tevet 5425 (1665)
Pre nuptial agreement between Nissim Halevi b. Eliyyahu b. Nissim and Rachel d. Mordechai b. Shalom, dated Sunday 18th Adar, 5579 Era of creation (1819)
Karaite agreement regarding payment of a debt. Dated Monday, 1st Heshvan 5510 Era of creation (1750)
Karaite betrothal deed. Avraham b. Nissim b. Ya'aqov is the groom, Esther known as Badra d. Ishaq b. Elisha is the groom. Dated Sunday 8th Adar II, 5548
Yosef b. Shlomo is taking upon himself to give a conditional bill of divorce to his future wife Venesa d. Avraham Susu in case he will be absent for more than a year. Dated Monday 23rd Tevet, 5529 (1769)
Yequti'el b. Nissim Fairouz is taking upon himself to give a conditional bill of divorce to his future wife Situta b. Nahum Levi in case he will be absent for more than a year. Dated Monday 10th Shevat, 5523 (1763)
Karaite bill of debt. Dated Friday 4th of Nisan 5403 (1643)