Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Legal document, contract of hire/rent. - needs examination.
Recto: Contract of hire/rent.- needs examination. Verso: Hebrew liturgy.
Deed of hire/rent, dated beginning Jumada II, A.H. 636. - needs examination.
Recto: Poem with partial vocalisation; long and short lines alternate; short lines have same rhyme syllable. Verso: Accounts (FGP)
Account of items sold and expenditure incurred. (FGP)
See T-S Ar.39.342.
Legal document, dated 24 Rabï' I, A.H. 797 (= 17 January, 1395 C.E.). Mention is made of Ibn Musu al-Yahudi and of Ibn Yüsuf al-Yahûdî and his sister and mother. (Data from Baker & Polliack cayalogue)
Account of finances. Verso includes information as to how accounts are calculated. (Data from Baker & Polliack catalogue)
additions of prices of various commodities in Judaeo-Arabic. Verso: Copying exercises. (Data from Baker & Polliack catalogue)
Recto: Barely legible short note. Verso: Jottings. - needs examination.
Recto: Possibly a receipt (barely legible hand). Verso: Columns of numbers which are added up. (Data from Baker & Polliack catalogue)
Recipe and book-list. See Isaacs, Medical, p. 35.
Draft of chancery document. Verso contains scribblings, probably signatures - needs examination. (data from Baker & Polliack catalogue)
A pre nuptial agreement written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi from the year 1117. The top part of the document is missing. TS Ar. 51.103 join to complete the left part. The groom Zedaqa b. Shelomo is marrying Kula d. Yefet. The bill of divorce of the couple is found in TS 8J35.12, also written by Halfon. So the marriage didn't end well. It was Zedaqa's second marriage. Published by Ashur, Engagement and Betrothal, p. 311-313. (AA)
A book list arranged by genres written by Meir b. Hillel (See Frenkel, The compassionate, p. 146). Published Allony, The Jewish Library, p. 148-151. AA
Jottings and a list of numbers, possibly from an account (data from Baker & Polliack catalogue)
Siddur, on verso a colophon with the names Bu al-Faraj b. Ibrahim, in two different hands, and some pen trials. AA
Leaves, on vellum, from a medical notebook with notes of names of simples, apparently in no particular order. P3 recto mentions a certain Abū l-Ḵayr al-Ṭabīb.. Arabic, in various handwritings (FGP)
On a fragment of Leviticus we find a short book list belong to Abu Sa'd ha-Nadiv, see Scheiber, Geniza Studies, p. 321. AA
Accounts in Arabic