Tag: ketubba

551 records found
Minute fragment, only two words, but might be from a ketubah. AA
Marriage contract (ketubba) from Tyre, ca. 1079. Preserves the full name of the groom and a notable phrase for the promise of mohar. (Friedman, Jewish Marriage, vol. 2, 460-1) EMS
A fragment from a beginning of a ketubah. 11th century. AA
Marriage contract in Palestinian style (small scrap from the concluding lines). VMR
Two damaged fragments from a ketubah, The groom is […] b. Mevaser. Fragment a contains mostly the dowry. On the bottom of the fragment , a leather string is visible, probably to tie two pieces of vellum together. AA
Small fragment of a Yemenite style marriage contract. See Friedman, JMP, I, p. 184, n. 109. AA
Marriage contract (ketubba) probably from Tinnis, Egypt, early eleventh century.
Small piece of a Palestinian-style marriage contract (ketubba), preserving part of the volition formula and the statement of the wife's obligations. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment from the top of a ketubah, from the month of Elul. The bride is Jamila d. Yosef. AA
Two lines from a ketubah of a bride, Maliha d. Zes[aqa], divorced from betrothal. AA
Marriage contract (ketubba) probably from Tyre, 1089-1099.
Record of a marriage contract mentioning a marriage gift of 5 dinars and payment of 10 dinars at termination of the marriage. The words of the first and third lines are written in very large letters. Drafted in Fustat ca. 1100-1138. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 397)
Fragment of a Karaite ketubba for […] bat Ṭoviyya and ʿOvadya b. Ṣedaqa b. Ḥalfon b. ʿAlūn. In line 3 the word בת was originally written בן and then corrected. Olszowy-Schlanger (1998:375) reads the bride’s name as al-Tifrat. The bride’s agent is Yefet b. Menashshe. Dated [1]3[..] of the Seleucid Era (= at the latest 1087 CE), probably in Egypt. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment from a late ketubah. The groom agrees to deposit a conditional get. AA
Fragment of a marriage contract, the section listing the outfit of the bride. ( E. Bareket, Shafrir misrayim, 267, and from Goitein's index cards)
Small fragment from the end of a ketubah. One of the witnesses is Yehezkel. AA
Fragment of a marriage contract between ʿEzra b. Menahem and Jawhara bt. [...], a virgin. Dating: mid-11th century, since ʿEzra b. Menaḥem signed T-S 10J28.2 in 1052 CE. Marriage payments: 5 + 15 = 20 dinars. Grand total: 60 dinars (so the dowry was 40 dinars). (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 398.) See also T-S NS 327.146.
Small fragment from a ketubah containing few items from the dowry list. AA
Small and faded fragment from a ketubah.
Fragment from a legal document, possibly a trousseau list section of a ketubah. On verso the name Abu al-Khayr Zedaqa is written. AA