Tag: 17th c

52 records found
Letter in Hebrew dated 1688/89 CE (תגילו = 449), from the Jewish community of Izmir to the Jewish community of Pisa, following the economic distress in the aftermath of the 1688 Izmir earthquake. It seems that the community of Pisa had been accustomed to sending charity to communities of the Ottoman Empire (ארצות קוסטאנטינה) but this practice had lapsed. Now, the government is demanding a payment if 15,000 of a certain currency (line 7). They already sent their shaliaḥ Yosef ha-Levi, and this letter is intended to encourage them to be generous with him. Note that the Italian on the final page was probably added in 1917, as with the other documents in this folder. ASE.
Calendar (astronomical/agricultural) for Eygpt for four of the Coptic months (Hātūr, Kiyāk, Ṭūba, and Amshīr), also giving the names of the corresponding Gregorian months (in Arabic). At the top of the one page the year 1090, presumably Hijri, is named (1679/80 CE). (To read this as the Coptic year would yield an implausible date in the 14th century CE.) At the top of the other page, someone named Riḍwān Effendi is named. Most of the entries seem to be recurring events: "wheat is planted," "the south winds blow," "the planting of the poppy," "the beginning of the lawāqiḥ," etc., but one of them (the first entry under Ṭūba) reads, "the lifting of the plague (wabā') in Miṣr."
Letter in Spanish with columns of numerical calculations at bottom that appears to be dated 5 Tamuz 5437 or July 5 1677CE (the "4" is faint and must be read at 140-200% zoom with high contrast on FGP). The fragment's verso folio is in fact the first page of the letter and that's where the dated heading appears which also indicates the letter's place of recording as Damietta/Dimyat. Just before the calculations begin, "ermano Aron de Abram" is mentioned in what may indicate familial ties to the fragment's author (l. 14r). In lines 8-9r, "en comienda" as separate words is mentioned for example in the phrase: "dara la inclusa con mil en comiendas. Below the accounts one "rais Fattiah" is mentioned, likely with the tile "rais" to indicate his status as a ship captain. MCD.
An interesting Qaraite legal testimony (zikhron ʿedut) dated 20 Adar 5442 (1682 CE), scribed and signed by Avraham ha-Rofe ben Ṣaʿīr, one of the messengers sent from Jerusalem with news of the barley crop (aviv), together with Mordechai b. Ḥayyim ha-Kohen. As the barley was fully mature, the coming year, a leap year for the Rabbanites, will not be intercalated for the Qaraites. Messengers have been sent both to Damascus and to Fustat. The writer notes that, for the first time "in a long time," this means that the calendars of the Rabbanites and the ʿarelim (western Christians? Muslims?) have coincided, while the calendars of the Qaraites and the Franks and Maronites have coincided. The term ʿarelim, or uncircumcised, normally refers to Christians in earlier Geniza documents. However, in this context, the ʿarelim are being contrasted with the Franks and Maronites, so the writer is either drawing a distinction between western and eastern Christians, or between Christians and Muslims. ASE
List of accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated at the opening of each entry, for example, 15 Shvat 5450 or 25 January 1690CE. In the second entry on the recto, the phrase "es de corto" may be referring to characteristics of goods (l. 9r). At the bottom of the recto, it appears the author ceased completing an entry that had already been designated a date. On the verso, a fragment of an account entry is visible with the name Akiva mentioned in the last line. MCD.
Series of (copies of) letters sent from Hebron to Egypt, mainly asking for financial assistance. First half of the 17th century. Information from FGP.
Series of (copies of) letters sent from Hebron to Egypt, mainly asking for financial assistance. First half of the 17th century. Information from FGP.
Letter mostly consisting of praises for the addressee, then a request for personal assistance. The writer is Avraham ha-Yakhini (f.3, l.12), in Istanbul, to ʿAzarya Ze'evi, Jerusalem (f.3, ll.14–15). First half of he 17th century. The writer asks the addressee's help with relocating his father to Jerusalem (f.2, ll.25–26). The writer too prays that he will be able to come to Jerusalem. The writer also mentioned R. Zeraḥya [Gota] (f.3, l.9). Information from FGP.
Letter mostly consisting of praises for the addressee, then a request for personal assistance. The writer is Avraham ha-Yakhini (f.3, l.12), in Istanbul, to ʿAzarya Ze'evi, Jerusalem (f.3, ll.14–15). First half of he 17th century. The writer asks the addressee's help with relocating his father to Jerusalem (f.2, ll.25–26). The writer too prays that he will be able to come to Jerusalem. The writer also mentioned R. Zeraḥya [Gota] (f.3, l.9). Information from FGP.
A drash written by Shemuʾel Ben Sid on the occasion of the birth of his son (דרש שדרש החכם השלם מורי ורבי כמחה׳׳ר שמואל ן׳ סיד נר׳׳ו כש נולד לו בן). The fragment continues across eight folios and is dated on f.1r in the year 5375 AM which is 1614/15 CE. Based on the dating this may be the same Shemuʾel Ben Sid listed in a wide variety of other contemporary fragments such as: ENA 1822a.102 and ENA NS 39.14. (Fragment discovered by Prof. Eve Krakowski 08/18/22). MCD.
Letter in Ladino to Shelomo Almanas or Almatango[?] on verso from Aharon ha-Kohen dated [54?]78 or [53?]78. The latter year seems more likely because the third digit is expressed with a character that most closely resembles "ש" and alongside "٧٨" or 1617-1618CE. This is a very distinct hand with a great deal of curvature expressed in cursive ligatures. In lines 7-10v the letter's author discusses a transaction in selling items whose color is under consideration and this sale continues as the topic of the marginal section. MCD. On recto is a list of Amoraim and where they are mentioned in the Talmud. Information from FGP.
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat/Cairo. Dated: Thursday, 29 Tammuz 5437 AM, which is 1677 CE. Concerning the moneychanging (ṣarf) partnership between Eliyyahu ha-Kohen b. Yeshuʿa and Yiṣḥaq Pereẓ b. Yaʿaqov and the arrangements that must be made now that Eliyyahu has died. This is a large and well-preserved document; needs further examination.
Letter of recommendation, likely a draft, from Fustat. Dated: 5735 (מעֿשֿהֿ) AM, which is 1614/15 CE. The bearer, Avraham b. Shemuel Ashkenazi, fell into Ottoman captivity eight years ago. His captors brought him to Istanbul, but he refused to convert to Islam, managed to escape, "and took shelter in the Beit Midrash of Shem and ʿEver." He has been living in Fustat for the last two years, exerting himself in service of the community. He now wishes to return to his native land, and the anonymous addressee is asked to help him. (Information from FGP)
Letter from Avraham b. Shemuel ha-Levi, Jerusalem, to Nissim ha-Kohen Ṣefanya b. ʿOvadya ha-Kohen, Fustat. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dated: 6 Kislev 5439 AM (בקשו ענוה), which is November 1678 CE. Both writer and addressee are Qaraites. This is a long letter; needs further examination.
Court register fragment containing the remnants of 14 documents, most of which are fully intact. Dated Tevet-Kislev 5460 AM which is1699-1700CE. On the recto two partnerships were recorded, the first an isqa and the second perhaps a general commercial partnership in the coral trade for the duration of one year: במלאכת אלמרגאן לזמן י׳ב חדשים (l.18). The other court entries on the recto recount engagements that include pledges of marital gifts from grooms to brides. The verso includes two other fully legible entries related to marital arrangements, one an engagement the other an abridged ketubbah that was entered into the court register. The other entries recount payments, debts owed, partnerships, and an apprenticeship perhaps in the production of gold lace: להתלמד מלאכת הסירמקגי (l.7). Based on the suffix, the term in use here is certainly Turkish but the scribe's intended meaning with סירמקגי is somewhat unclear. It could transliterate as sırmakçı– although this term does not appear as an alternative to sırmakeş in the Redhouse dictionary (p. 1014). MCD.
Legal deed. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: Monday, 22 Adar II 5456 AM, which is 1696 CE. Currency: muayyadi/medin. The first few lines are lost/damaged. This may be a release which Esther has given to Moshe. But needs further examination.
Letter or monumental sign with a greeting text (ברוך אתה בבואך ברוך אתה בצאתך) and then the name Shemuel ashkenazi is mentioned from Qehilat qodesh ווארשילויקה dated to 1654. ווארשילויקה is Voroshilovka in modern day Ukraine.
Recto and first line of verso: Hebrew letter to Gabriel Conforte. The author of the letter mentions a number of books he has received, among which the responsa of David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra (fl. 1513-1573). Remainder of verso: Ladino letter, perhaps the response to the Hebrew letter. Information from FGP.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic dated as [Dhu] al-Qa'da 1013AH which is 1605CE. The date appears in the first line of the recto in a somewhat uncommon format that combines Hebrew alphanumerical figures and Hijri timekeeping: "אל קעדה ס[נת] יג ואלפ", but this format is confirmed further down on the recto by the Jewish calendar year [5]364JC. The accounting format is extremely complex and bears multiple layers of figures being crossed out and adjusted. The commodity "חריר / silk" is repeated on many occasions on the recto. MCD.
Letter from Abraham to Ṭurkiyya and his sister Masʿūda, concerning money. He sends greetings to his mother and to Aaron al-Ḡarbī. Mordechai sends greetings to his family and Saul. C. 17th century. (Information from CUDL)