Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Memory list. AA
A poetic letter? referring to the head of the congregations. On vellum. AA
Image not available?
Image not available?
Image not available?
Image not available?
Minute fragment, contains mostly rhymed sentences, might be from a letter or a poem to honor a certain Halfon, but too little text remained. AA Dating: 12th century
Small fragment from a late list, might belong to a dowry (the word מהר can be read)
Unidentified. Recommend suppress
Minute fragment. From the bottom part of a late letter or legal document. Only part of a fancy signature survived title סופר ועד. AA
Minute fragment. From the bottom part of a late legal document. Signed by Yaaqiv […] and Avraham Sarfati. AA
Small fragment from the top of a late letter to Yosef Ya'betz יוסף יעבץ dated 17 of Nissan (no year preserved). Judeo Arabic and Hebrew. AA
Very faded. Seems literary.
Minute fragment from a list. Only partial names survived. AA
Damaged fragment with poetical Hebrew verses. Can be from a literary piece of an opening of a letter. 13th century hand. AA
Minute fragment from the end of a legal deed. AA
Minute fragment from a dowry list. Only few items survived, all are commonly found in dowry lists. It is impossible to say if this list was a part of a ketuba, or a list for itself. AA
Minute fragment from a list or account. Too damaged to decipher. AA