Tag: geonim

31 records found
Letter draft addressed to Abū l-Ḥasan, starting with a taqbīl clause. The writer asks the addressee to sell some commodity (hādha l-ʿadl) for whatever price God provides. On verso there are pen trials including the name of a Babylonian Gaon: Yisra'el ha-Kohen head of the diaspora yeshiva son of Shemuel head of the diaspora yeshiva son of Hofni head of the diaspora yeshiva son of Kohen Ṣedeq.
Geonic responsa. Published by Marmorstein, p. 10-12. The scribe is the one known to write many such rotolus for the owner known as Ibn al-Baqra (early 11th century). On recto a responsim marked as no. 4 (see Otzar Hageonim, Ketubot, p. 211, no. 532). At the bottom another responsum contonues on verso (the begining and end are missing) concerning the blessing on the wine before and after the meal (Otzar Hageonim, Berakhot, p. 96 no. 264). AA
Fragment of torn and damaged vellum, contains Geonic responsa. Published in Teshuvot ha-Hageonim Marmorstein, p. 2-3. On recto the end of a responsum on debt. On l. 12 another responsum on the custom to pray half in silence and half loud, which continues on verso. In l. 4 another responsum published in Otzar ha-Geonim, Berakhot. p. 63, no. 136. attributed to Rav Zemah Gaon. In li. 16 another responsum, published in Otzar ha-Geonim, Shabbat, p. 1, no. 2. In Ginzei Qedem, V, p. 85ff, TS 16.376 is published and contains another versions of the last 3 responsa here. AA
A Geonic responsum. AA
Elegies: all appear to be by the same author, including an elegy for a Gaʾon, צפע רוש הלעיטני, and for a woman. ‘Nathan b. Shemuʾel חזק’ is spelled in acrostic. (Information from CUDL)
Three pages containing Geoncc legal queries. Published by ורטהיימר, קהלת שלמה, עמ' עה-עט (תרגום בעמ' ב-יד) [= גנזי ירושלים תשמ"ב, עמ' ט-כא]. A new version of the query on the appointed death based on this MS and on another MS from Firkovitch collection publisged by וייל, ספר היובל לאסף, עמ' 261-267. On top of fol. 1 a title 'מן מסאיל מדינה'' קאבס לרבינו האיי ז'ק'ל' ' [= queries from Qabis to R. Hayya). Below a responsum on the 'appointed death', which continues on fol. 2, recto. Another versions of this responsum is found in TS Ar. 50.154 and BL Or. 5554B. Below another query on Jonah and the reason for his escape. In l. 13 another query on forbidden sex partner. L. 26 another one regardong the boy from the story on the king of Moab. The responsum is starting on l. 28 and continues on verso. Berso, l. 13 another query about Eve and the snake. AA
6 leaves containing Geonic responsa on Sukka followed by a long responsum about giving a herd of sheeps to a shepherd on Shabbat. The first one was published by Wertheimer, קהלת שלמה, p. 50-51, the second ibid, p. 82-89. Fol 1, recto. end of responsum regarding Bavli Sukka 17a. Published in full from TS G2 in Otzar ha-Geonim, Sukka. p. 23-24. In l. 10 another responsum about Sukka 14a. Published ibid, p. 21, no. 40. In l. 12 a new subject within the save responsum citing Sukka 12b, published ibid. p. 20-21, no. 36. On verso another responsum by Sa'adya Gaon, probably by a different scribe, sent to Meir hakohen b. 'Eli, whether it is permitted to a Jew to give is herd to a gentile shepherd in Shabbat. On fol. 2 recto continuation of another responsa on the same subject. Verso l. 7 responsum by R. Nahshon, which we have in a shorter version in Geonei Mizrah u-ma'arav, no. 54. Fol. 4, l. 18 responsum by R. Hayya Gaon. .
Latge page, squrae script, contains various Geonic responsa. Published by Wertheimer, Ginzei Yerushalyim, p. 39-41 and in Otzar ha-Geonim, Quddushin, p. 181 no. 409 and p. 198 no. 441. AA
Collection of Geonic responsa copied by Menashshe b. Ya'aqov (Date: 1116-1132). Published Wertheimer, קהלת שלמה, p. 42-44; Ginzei Yerushalayim, 42-44. AA
Letter from Ismaʿīl b. Barhūn al-Tahartī (CUDL), Yosef b. Berekhya or Moshe b. Barhun al-Taharti, Qayrawān (PGP), to (Efrayim b.) Shemarya, Fustat. Discusses responsa of the geʾonim.
Few fragments of rotolus, joined together. written by the scribe who is known to write many such rotolus for the owner known as Ibn al-Baqra (early 11th century). On recto end of responsum on Gittin 32 regarding cancelation of get. On l. 19 a query on cancelation of sale, according to Baba Metzia 57a, numbered as '3'. From l. 28 the responsum. Published by Wertheimer, קהלת שלמה, p. 46-49. The joins identified by Dr. Ezra Shewat. AA