Tag: italian

27 records found
Almost certainly the address of the letter in the previous shelfmark: to Fusṭāṭ, to Fratelli Najjar. Again mentions Moshe Castro in a postscript.
Letter – 1933CE – Museum of Islamic Art – (number 20) – in Italian. (information from Ḥassanein Muḥammad Rabīʿa, ed., Dalīl Wathā'iq al-Janīza al-Jadīda / Catalogue of the Documents of the New Geniza, 59). MCD.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentioning 'the consul.' Currency: ashrafī. There is also a list of the months of the Franks along with how many days are in each. It is unclear which European language these correspond to, but perhaps it is Italian ("ottobrio" as given here seems to be an archaic form of "ottobre").
Ledger with many distinct entries in Italian, perhaps copies of letters. Needs examination.
"Although the majority of the material preserved in the Taylor-Schechter Genizah Collection comes from the periods of Fatimid and Ayyubid rule in Egypt, it is not unusual to come across much earlier or much later material. The fragment T-S Misc.22.310, that was brought to my attention by my collegue Dr Amir Ashur, belongs clearly to the latter group: at the bottom of f. 2v it bears the date August 10th 1865 together with the signature of the petitioner, an Italian subject, Jacub Dayyan. The fragment is a large paper bifolium and each of its leaves was folded in two on its width, thus dividing the writable surface into eight columns. Four columns are filled with the Italian text of the petition in a large, elegant and very slanted handwriting, which is easily legible; one and a half columns contain Arabic text, written in a seemingly clear – yet actually quite impenetrable – script, which appears to be an abridged version of the Italian document. The petition is addressed to the Illustrissimo Signor Cavaliere Licurgo Macciò Regio Console d’Italia in Cairo, the Royal Italian consul in Cairo, and it deals with a private matter, the subtraction, detention and exploitation of a pair of cows belonging to the petitioner, Jacub Dayyan, by an administrator of His Excellence Ibrahim Bey." Gabriele Ferrario, Fragment of the Month, March 2011.
Ledger with many distinct entries in Italian, perhaps copies of letters. Needs examination.
Recto: Accounts in Spanish mentioning the year 1747 (5507). The righthand side of verso appears to be the same, also in Spanish. The lefthand side of verso appears to be a note in Italian as it is headed "26 Lug[lio] 1747" and "di" is used instead of "de."