Tag: karaite ketubba

78 records found
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Aharon the Cantor the physician b. El'azar the Cantor the physician. The bride is Esther known as Sultana d. Shlomo. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Aharon b. Avraham. The bride is Esther known as Ruhma d. Gedalya b. Shlomo. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Daniel b.Yosef. The bride is Esther known as Faraj d. Yeshu'a b. Ishaq. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Ishaq Halevi. . The bride is Esther known as Bahza. AA
Damaged Karaite ketubah. 15th century Cairo
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Aharon b. Moshe b. Ya'aqov. The bride is Esther d. Elisha the physician. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Mordechai b. Refael. The bride is Esther . AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is [...] b. Shlomo. The bride is Esther known as Rama d. Yosef. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Zekharya b. Ratzon the physician. The bride is Esther known as Sit al-Bayt d. Ya'aqov. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. Yeshu'a b. Ya'aqov the physician. The bride is Esther known as Yaquta d. Shemuel the physician. AA
An elaborated Karaite ketuba from Qirqayr. The groom is Avraham Yerushalmi b. Mordechai and the bride is Fomya d. Eliyyahu Foki.
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Avraham Hakohen b. Moshe and the bride is Esther d. Eliyyahu Halevi. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Moshe b. Israel. The bride is Esther known as Baytu d. Aharon Hakohen. AA
A Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom os Shmuel b. Avraham . Tne name of the bride is not preserved but she is described as deflowered. AA
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. Avraham b. Israel is the groom. The bride is Esther known as Karima d. Nissim b. 'Amram.
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The text is too faded
Karaite decorated ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Avraham b. Eliyyahu b. Yosef. The bride is Esther known as Marhaba d. Nahum Hakohen b. Aharon
Karaite decorated ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Yefet b. Eliyyahu. The bride is Esther Habiba d. Yosef.
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Sa'adya b. David b. Reuven. The deflowered bride is Esther Mas'uda d. El'azar Hakohen b. Aharon.
Karaite ketubah from Cairo. The groom is Shmuel b. Israel. The bride is Esther known as Rachel d. Barukh Halevi b. Shlomo.