Tag: latin script

53 records found
Recto: Note in Portuguese. Mentions Jose Loise. There is further text underneath also Latin script. Verso: Accounts in Hebrew script. Currency: fulūs. 16th century?
Address of the letter found in ENA 2050.1, to Abram Segre. The letter is in Hebrew, and the address in Italian in Latin script (with a נר״ו written underneath the addressee's name).
Blessings for Emperor Francis II of Austria in Italian and Hebrew. The Italian portion reads in part: "Dia Sempre Gloria e Vittoria al Nostro Sovrano Imperator Francesco Secondo D'Astria Con Tutta la sua Real Famiglia astriacha(?)." Dating: 1792–1835 CE. Evidently to be included in the prayer service as a 'misheberach,' because the text indicates that the misheberach for the congregation should follow.
Birth records. In Italian and Hebrew. Location: Venice. First document: Dated: Sunday, 1 Sivan, 5536 AM, which is to 19 May 1776 CE. "There was born to my daughter Sara/Sareta a daughter, and she was given the name Stella." There is a crossed-out line beginning "esborsato à. . ." on verso. Second document: Dated: Friday night, 20 Elul 5538 AM, which is 12 September 1778 CE. There was born to YIsra'el/Israel [...] a daughter, and she was given the name Rachel. The Italian portion gives the year 1779 CE, but this seems to be erroneous, as this would not match the Hebrew date or the day of the week. The second document was reused two weeks later for a lotto ticket on verso. "1778. In Venezia 26 Settembre. Pagherò coll'augumento Ducati come sotto per ogni Terno estratti di seguenti. Terno: Duecento. 520 Cattarina Scatola. 579 Maria Belotto. 588 Laura Meneguzzi." There is then a stamp of a lion roaring out a word starting with "OS. . ."
One line in Hebrew, one line in Italian. Significance unclear.
Birth records. In Italian. Dated: 1721 CE through 1743 CE.
Birth records. In Italian. Dated: 1711 CE through 1721 CE.
Birth records. In Italian and Hebrew. Dated: 1747 CE through 1756 CE. For the boys, the names of the sandak and mohel are given.
Document in Latin script. Needs examination.
Legal fragment. Ending only. Signed: Yosef b. Shelomo. Late. There are pen trials and some Latin script below.
Fragment in Latin script. Needs examination.
Recto: Accounts, mentioning Moshe Kohen and listing amounts of money for the weeks of Shemot through Tetzaveh. One of the currencies used is the fonducli. Verso has jottings and the curious stamp: IACOBVS KVHNEN SPANISNADEL.
Late letter in Judaeo-Arabic from a certain Reuven [Najjar y Feliz?] to Moshe Najjar y Feliz, probably his brother, dated 4 Settembre '56. It deals primarily with the trade in textiles and clothing. In addition to the recipient, two other business partners are awaiting news and a shipment from the writer: Se. Simḥa (אלס׳ סמחה) and Se. Iro (? אלס׳ אירו). The writer has sent a shipment bearing the the name "Fratelli Najjar" in Italian ("fī-l-talyāno") and bearing the initials FN (which he writes out in Latin script). Another interesting linguistic feature: the recipient seems to be addressed in the second line as "O Mosas" (יא מוזאז). In the second line of the margin, the writer alludes to information that R. Moshe Castro had conveyed to the recipient, suggesting a date of mid-16th-century—so perhaps 4 September, 1556 CE. ASE.
Almost certainly the address of the letter in the previous shelfmark: to Fusṭāṭ, to Fratelli Najjar. Again mentions Moshe Castro in a postscript.
Fragment in Latin script. Needs examination.
Text in Spanish and Hebrew. There are numerous tiny pieces from the same text or even the same page in the span of shelfmarks JRL SERIES G 79–99. Also JRL SERIES B 5344. Will probably need to be assembled in person rather than on FGP
Literary text in Latin script. Spanish?
Recto: Legal document in Hebrew. Late. Yaʿaqov ha-Kohen b. Barukh attests that he owes Yaʿaqov Esprial (?אישפריאל) 4,800 diwani muayyadis ('fine and good ones') for the merchandise and books ("los Shir ha-Shirim" are mentioned on verso) that he acquired. He will repay 60 muayyadis every 15 days. The date of the first payment ("paga") is given. Verso: Document in Spanish, related to recto. The year 5428 AM is mentioned, which is 1667/68 CE.
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, in Greek language but in medieval Latin Beneventan script. Published by H. Omont in 1921: https://www.persee.fr/doc/bec_0373-6237_1921_num_82_1_460704.