Tag: yiddish

24 records found
Letter sent from Jerusalem from Rachel b. Avraham Zussman of Prague, in Jerusalem, to her son Moshe, a scribe in Cairo. After opening the letter in Hebrew, Rachel switches to Yiddish. She refers to her desperate financial situation as well as a plague that has afflicted both Jews and Arabs in Jerusalem. She also mentions that the situation in Safed (Ṣefat) has improved. Dated 1567 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Letter in Yiddish from Rachel b. Avraham of Prague in Jerusalem to her son Moshe in Cairo.
Letter in Yiddish from Rachel b. Avraham of Prague in Jerusalem to her son Moshe in Cairo.
Letter in Yiddish from Rachel b. Avraham of Prague in Jerusalem to her son Moshe in Cairo. Join by Esther-Miriam Wagner, "Vis, liber zun, ikh hob dir vil brif geshribn: Yiddish letters in the Genizah." [Genizah Research Unit, Fragment of the Month, October 2009]. https://doi.org/10.17863/CAM.55277.