Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
A faded and much damaged Arabic letter or legal document.
An Account.
Torn fragments from an account. Only few visible word preserved. AA
Various lists, probably from account. On leaf 1, a draft of a letter. Some names are written at some of the accounts: Yosef, Abu Yunis, Abu Birr, Musa's sister, Husam, Muhamad al-Qadi, Ya'aqub, Fakhr al-Din, Umm Umar. AA
Account, various names, commodities and prices are mentioned. AA
Account including list of goods and their costs in dirhams, arranged in two columns (data from Baker & Polliack catalogue). AA
List of names, the context is unclear. On verso passage from Passover Haggadah. AA Dating: 13th century
Recto: 1. Judaeo-Arabic, Hebrew jottings and pen trials2. Draft of an opening formula to a halakhic question addressed to Rabbi Isaac ha-dayyan: מא יקול הדרת כבוד גדולת קדשת מרינו ורבינו יצחק הדיין המשכיל probably refer to Ishaq b. Sasson. AA Verso: Arabic letter
Torn, small Fragment. On recto list of items, probably from am inventory of a private individual, maybe after his death. Among the items various textiles, and some books such as Tafsir אלה הדברים. AA
Very faded, barely legible. Seems like a list of books, but too little remain to decipher
Minute fragment. Only few words can be read, seems like an opening of a letter or legal query to a notable, probably a Nagid or Rai's al-Yahud. AA
List of items and prices. In verso all the line are crossed out. AA
Halakhic text text on betrothal and marriage. Damaged
Minute fragment. Text referring to a divorce deed (al-geṭ).
Recto: unidentified text, mentions miqra neviʾin. Verso: list of books. The hand of Yosef Rosh Haseder? AA
Minute fragment. Only few Arabic letters preserved. (AA)
Recto mentions the name Abraham b. Mevorak, maybe a letter?. Verso: Vocabulary list tp Halakhot Gedolot
Unidentified text in brown ink with a vocabulary list from Isaiah 48:13-58:13 in black ink and marginal notes. FGP
Bifolio. An Arabic list on the right leaf. On the left leaf on recto a very damaged Judeo Arabic text of an unknown nature, described in FGP as occult science. On verso an Hebrew and Aramaic liturgical text (AA)