Tag: ketubba

551 records found
Minute fragment, only few words preserved (one appears to be from the dowry list), probably from a ketubah. AA
Top line from a ketubah contains blessings.
Small fragment, probably from ketuba de'irkasa (a ketubah written as a replacement for a lost one). Contains the Reshut formula so can be dated from 12th century onwards. AA
Small fragment from a ketubba in the Palestinian style. Location: Probably Tyre. Dating: Second half of the 11th century. In the hand of the ḥaver ʿAmram b. Ṣedaqa (who also wrote PER H 1 + ENA 4101.36 in Tyre in 1079 CE, T-S 16.136, and T-S AS 156.394). Bride: [Sitthum?] bt. Mevorakh. See M. A. Friedman's edition for further information.
Two fragments from a 13th century ketubah.
Damaged and torn, only a few words remain, but seems to be from a ketubbah. AA
Long and narrow strip from a ketubah, probably under the jurisdiction of one of the Maimonidean negidim. The bride's father's name is Nadiv Halevi. Few words from the dowry list are preserved.
Small fragment from the top of the ketubah of Karima d. Yosef. Another ketubah for a bride bearing the same name is found in TS 12.489, where she is titled 'the virgin'. If we are talking about the same bride , this might be her first marriage.
Fragment from the top part of a ketubah from Cairo (although the place name is not preserved we can tell it is Cairo by the term אלמעזיה which commonly connected with Cairo). AA
Fragmemt from the top part of a ketubah. 12th century
Minute fragment, probably from a ketubah. The word גביה might belong to the monogamy clause.
Formula of a Karaite ketubah. AA
Top part of a ketubba. Dated: Thursday, 25 Adar 1770 Seleucid = 1 March 1459 CE. Location: New Cairo. Two lines of the reshut formula are preserved. AA
Small fragment, probably from the opening of a ketubah (but can also be from top of a letter).
Minute fragment from a ketubah of a widow bride. AA
Fragment from a Ketubah.
Minute fragment from a ketubah.
Minute fragment from a ketubah from Cairo. The name Berakhot- the bride's or groom's father- is mentioned. AA
Minute fragment probably from a ketubah. AA
Small and much damaged fragment from a ketubah. Contains the immersion clause so can be dated to 1176 onwards. AA