Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Small and torn fragment probably from a ketubah, written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi.
Minute fragment, extremely damaged. Only few words can be read מגלימא דעל כת[פיה] so this is probably a fragment from a ketubah. The shape of the letter א is very similar to the one we find in Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi's hand, so he might be the scribe. AA
Maimonides Misheh Torah, Eruvin, 5, copied by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi. AA
Maimonides Mishne Torah, Sekhirut, 6. AA
Small fragment from a ketubah with few items from the dowry list. AA
Minute fragment form the top of a legal deed dated [1]598 = 1288 CE. AA
Fragment from an Hebrew letter. Krakowski and Rustow, Formula as content, JSS 20, p. 141 n. 34 date it to 13th century. I think it is later. AA
Minute fragment from a ketubah contains mostly part from the dowry list. AA
minute fragment. Bottom part of a legal deed, only some signatures preserved: [...]she b. Hillel, [...]el b. Berakhot, Sjlomo b. Berakot (spell ברכת), Yefet b. Hananya, [...] b. Nethanel. AA
Minute fragment. Calendrical? AA
see PGP 21394
Very faded, can be determined. AA
Long strip, only one word preserved from each line, in wide spacing. Can be from an oppening of an elaborate Hebrew letter, but too little text remains. AA
Badly rubbed, unidentified fragment.
Fragment from an opening of a letter to Perahyahu the Judge - Perahya b. Yosef, from Ben Yiju family who was the muqaddam of al-Mahal. written by Mevorakh b. Natan in a poetic Hebrew. Contains mostly blessings. It might be a letter asking for collection of funds. AA
A formula of a ketubah. AA
Late bill of acknowledgement between Hayyim Hazaq b. Shlomo and his wife, approving the receiving of a sum of 63000 as a payment for his business partner. AA