Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Fragment from the bottom of a ketubah. The bride's name is Sitt al-Tana ben (!) Elazar. Part from the monogamy clause is preserved. AA
Minute fragment from a ketubah, which can be dated to 1178 onwards thanks to the remains of the immersion clause which started to appear in Egypt following Maimonides' enactment issued at that year. Also part from the domicile clause is visible. AA
Fragment from the bottom part of a ketubah with partial signatures and a qiyyum - approval of the signatures. The groom name is Natan. Signed by Yosef Hakohen b. Moshe, Tahor Halevi b. [...]. The qiyyum is signed by [...] b. Zadoq, [...] Halevi b. Nethanel. AA
Minutes fragment, some from legal documents, but too little remains. AA
Minute fragment, probably from a legal document. AA
Late document regarding a house and piece of land. Names: Yosef Mushodo b. Ya'aqov, Yosef Sulti, Mas'ud. Signes by Moshe Ajiman. AA
Minute fragment from a beginning of a document from Cairo. AA
Faded and damaged. Almost nothing is readable,. It seems to be a document related to marriage, but too little remains. AA
Small fragment from a legal query in Hebrew regarding partnership, but too little remains. AA
Late bill of acknowledgment. Hayyim b. Yishaq known as Hakim, and [...] b. Hayyim known as Mimujil, acknowledged they owe 750 large Maidish (currency). AA
A faded and torn late legal document of some sort. Signed by Gershon b. Yosef, Matatya b. Ishaq, and some more unreadable signatures. AA
Epistle of Rav Sherira Gaon. See Gil, In the Kingdom of Yishmael, I, section 232.
Pen trials with the names of R. Hannanel, Menahem and Yeshu'a b. Yosef. AA
Letter of appeal to the Nagid, Avraham Maimunides, asking for financial assistance. A foreigner named Yosef want to return to his family and place. Written by Elya b. Zekhariya. AA
Minute fragment. On Recto an opening of a marriage document which might be connected to the verso. On verso an opening of a betrothal deed. The bride's name is Sitt al-Hus[n]. Although the verb use is אירש, as commonly found in Karaite marriage deeds, this deed is probably Rabbinate, see Ashur, Engagement and Bethrotal, p. 45, n. 157. AA
Minute fragment probably from a top of a letter to 'Our Nagid'. Only partial words preserved. AA
Late letter from a father, Shemuel Mehijar, to his son. (Data from FGP by Avraham David).
Fragment from a letter, probably to a community? AA
Small fragment from a legal query sent to Hai Gaon from Qabis, copied by Yosef Rosh Haseder. Parallel to Levin, Ginzei Qedem, 1, p. 1 (from Bodl. MS Heb. d.46, fol. 6). AA