Tag: ketubba

551 records found
Minute fragment from a ketuba. The groom's name is probably Shelomo.
Small fragment from the top of a ketubah. The groom is Yeshu'a b. Shelomo. Someone used the spaces between the lines to copy and duplicate the text of the ketubah. On verso liturgy. AA
Marriage document? Minute fragment, on velum, probably from a ketubah . the words נדוניה ובליות can be read. Verso is blank. AA
Small fragment of a dowry list, probably from a ketubah. AA
Small fragment from a ketubah.
Fragment from the top of a ketubah.
Small fragment from a ketubah, probably written by Yosef b. Shemu'el Halevi. AA
Minute fragment from a ketubah.
Small fragment from a ketubah
Fragment from a ketubah.
Recto: beautifully illuminated ketubba, signed by Yaʿaqov b. Simḥa. Verso: Hebrew and Arabic document, signed by Joseph b. Khalaf. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment from a Karaite ketubba, preserving only the trousseau list. Olszowy-Schlanger (1998:378) dates the script to the early 11th century. (Information from CUDL)
Small piece from the lower part of a Palestinian-style ketubba. (Information from CUDL)
Ketubba, with a stipulation in Judaeo-Arabic. (Information from CUDL)
Part of a ketubba. (Information from CUDL)
Ketubba, Rabbanite. (Refers to שטר כתובתא דא in the fifth line of the lower fragment.) Groom: ʿOvadya b. [...] Elishaʿ (spelled אליסע). Probably dated Elul [47]67 AM, which would be 1007 CE, but it could theoretically be 1107 CE or even 1207 CE. On verso there is part of a calendar including for the years 969–75, which are either reckoned from the destruction of the temple, i.e., 1037–43 CE, or from the creation of the world (which is much more common), yielding 1208–15 CE. The layout of the ketubba is quite odd, and the phrase כך וכך appears in the bottom line, suggesting that this could be a copy or a draft. The calendar on verso could have been written a long time after the ketubba on recto. (Information in part from CUDL via FGP, and dating advice kindly provided by Amir Ashur.)
Small fragment from a ketubah written by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi (Date: 1181-1210)
Fragment from the ketubah of Aziza d. Faraj, signed by Efraim b. Zadoq and Yoswf b. Ya'aqov. AA
Small and much damaged fragment, probably from the dowry list section of a ketubah, written by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi. AA
Fragment from a ketubah, containing the dowry section, written by Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi. AA