Tag: ketubba

551 records found
Marriage contract (ketubba). In the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. Dated: Friday, 15 Kislev 1417 Seleucid, which is 24 November 1105 CE. Groom: Yefet b. Ḥalfon ha-Levi. Bride: Badra bt. Aharon, a widow. Signed by: Elʿazar b. Avraham ha-Kohen. Marriage payments: 1 + 2 = 3. No dowry. (Information in part from Goitein's index card.) AA
Fragment of a ketubah. The groom name is Efraim. Contains part of the dowry list. Signed by Moshe b. Mevorakh Halevi, [...] b. Nissim and Sa'ad[ya ...]. AA
Fragment of a late ketubah. The groom is Nissim and the bride Najma.
Part of the heading for a highly decorated ketubba (in Hebrew, although the ketubba text would likely have been in Aramaic). All of the main text has been lost but the heading refers to Sar Shalom ha-Levi, leader of the Jewish community in 1170 and 1177-1195 CE (brother of Gaʾon Nathaniel ha-Levi). (Information from CUDL)
Beginning of a ketubah dated 133[.] Era of documents = 1020's.
Small fragment of a ketubah.
Fragment from the bottom part of a ketubah. The groom's name [...] b. Shemuel, and the bride's Jamila. Only part of the signatures have preserved: [... b. S]'adan, Ghalib Hakohen, [... b.] Nissin, Aharon b. B[...], [...] b. Zadoq. AA
Marriage contract (ketubba). Very small fragment. Groom: Avraham.
Marriage contract (ketubba). Dated: 12 Nisan 1453 Seleucid, which is 1142 CE. Groom: Tiqva ha-Levi. This is a small fragment; not much else remains.
Marriage contract (ketubba). Small fragment. Contains part of the dowry list. Written by the cantor Yefet b. David. AA
Long strip from a ketubah written by Hillel b. Eli, and probably by Ishaq b. Shmuel (the Spaniard, see the join TS NS 324.87c), The groom's name is probably Michael and the bride [Sitt al S]ada d. Eli. AA
Palestinian-style marriage contract. Late tenth or early eleventh century. VMR
rom a formulary of legal documents, including the beginning of the section on ketubah. (FGP)
Tyrian marriage contract with a peculiar proposal formula borrowed from Malachi 2:14 (‘my companion and wife in covenant’). Mid eleventh century. (Information from CUDL)
Shelomo b. Eliyyahu writes to a notable, "I was told that you have made a marriage contract (ṣadāq) for your daughter at a Muslim court. I cannot believe it." Med Soc III, p. 444, n. 50. Information from Goitein's note card.
Ketubba, small fragment. Wide space between the lines. Groom: Elʿazar ha-Kohen.
Marriage contract (ketubba) from Damascus, late tenth century. The dowry list includes a short garment of linen decorated with silver and golden threads, two shirts, two velvet covers, and two dyeing vessels. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment of a marriage contract listing items such as a pair of golden ‘dablas’ (a ring without a stone). The notation “’lq” opens the jewelry section, likely indicating a‘laq, meaning precious items. Thirteenth century. (S. D. Goitein, Mediterranean Society, 3:454; 4:201, 221, 419, 429) EMS
Ketubba fragment (upper left corner). Bride: Baṭrīqa bt. Aharon. From the time of Yefet b. David b. Shekhanya. (Goitein, Med Soc, 3:409.) EMS
Lower middle part of a ketubba in which the groom renounces his rights to the bride's earnings. Dated to the 13th century. (Information from Mediterranean Society III, p.134, and from Goitein's index cards)