Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
A much faded legal deed written by Efrayim b. Shemarya (see Bareket, The Jews of Egypt, p, 217). On recto description of a legal suit between Hushiel and his group (עידתו) in Qayrawan, mentions Hayyim b. Moshe and Shemuel b. Sahal. The deed continues verso. AA
Damaged legal deeds. On recto a bill of compensation from 11th century Fustat, probably from a man to a woman. On verso another document, in a different hand. Probably bill of release between Yeshua Halevi b. Nethanel and Ben Tarsun (figures from this family are mentioned in Geniza documents from 1030’s). AA
A fragment from a beginning of a ketubah. 11th century. AA
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The woman’s name is Sitt al-Sada. Only the last two digits of the year is preserved: [..]82. AA
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The top part is missing. The woman is Hilala d. Nathan. Signed by […] b. Avraham ha-haver, […] b. Shemuel ha-melamed. AA
Documentary per FGP - needs examination.
Small fragment of a Yemenite style marriage contract. See Friedman, JMP, I, p. 184, n. 109. AA
Fragment from the top of a ketubah, from the month of Elul. The bride is Jamila d. Yosef. AA
Two lines from a ketubah of a bride, Maliha d. Zes[aqa], divorced from betrothal. AA
A damaged legal document in Hebrew. It seems to be dealing with the payment of the ketubah of a woman, who speaks in first person. Her husband Sahlan left her ketubah money with her brother Habib and she is claiming it from him? AA
Few words of opening verses from a letter to a notable. AA
Calendrical. Mentions the names of months and days, a leap year and cycles. CUDL
A Hebrew poetical text from a letter to a notable known as Sa'adya. Contains mostly blessing (such as the well-being of his sons). AA
Few dozens of minute fragments, few with legal documents or letters. One of them by the hand of Yosef b. Shemuel Halevi (recto, 1st right in the bottom). One by Shlomo b. Elya (started אלממלוך שלמה המלמד)
On recto fragment from a late letter mentioning Shmuel Bahalul contains blessings. Verso unrelated to recto, written by a different hand, regarding the Book of Amos. AA
Long and narrow strip from the right part of what seems to be a letter. Verso and recto in different hands. Too little remains to identify the content. AA
A legal note - the writer agree to pay to pay the mortgage for 'Old Egypt' without delay. AA
Minute fragment. Top part from a legal deed with the Reshut formula for a Nagid, probably from Maimonides family, based on the titles that usually connected with his family such as גיה עפעפינו, from Minyya. AA
Possibly a medical text, mentioning illnesses. Very dark and damaged