Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Literary - recommend suppress
A minute fragment probably from a memorial list for Amram the Pious and his son Moshe ha-talmid the pious. AA
Minute fragment from an opening of a letter
Literary - recommend suppress
Unidentified, only few words are visible
Damaged minute fragment, barely legible, seems to be from a legal deed.
Minute fragment, only few words. Sitt al-Fakhr the bride is mentioned, so it might be from a ketubah. AA
Minute fragment. Few words from a top of a legal deed. AA
Damaged fragment from the bottom of a legal deed, probably 11th century.
Fragment of a ketuba de'irkasa- a ketubah written as a replacement for a lost one. The groom named Perahya the elder. AA
Minute fragment, probably from a top of a legal deed. AA
Small fragment from a ketubah. The groom name [...] b. Efraim and the brife is Miriam. 11th century. AA
Minute fragment from an end of a legal deed with the signature of Yefet b. Ya'aqov and Shemuel b. Yehuda. AA
Bottom part of a ketubah, signed by Hananya b. Elnathan, Avraham b. Ho[...], Maryut Hakohen. AA
Commentary entitled פירוש מכתב לרבנות, in the hand of Joseph b. Jacob ha-Bavli.
Fragment from a Judaeo-Arabic book on hemerology.
Small fragment from a legal deed
Much damaged legal deed- probably a bill of purchase, according to what is written in the approval (qiyyum). The deed is signed by Yosef b. [...], Shelomo b. [...] and Adiyya(?) b. Avr[aham?]. and the qiyyum is signed by Ishaq b. Kalafa. AA
Minute fragment from a legal deed signed by Shelomo b. Aharon Hakohen. AA
Much damaged fragment from a legal deed. AA