Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
Damaged fragment from a legal deed. AA
Recto: Targum Jonathan of Habakkuk 3:1. Verso: medical recipe for a potion.
Literary - recommend suppress
Responsum. Small fragment with the opening verses of a Geonic responsa, copied by Yosef Rosh Haseder. AA
Literary - recommend suppress
minute fragments, few from letters and legal deeds.
Bible translation; unidentified On both sides, there is an (older) text in the main body of the page in faint script, while there is another text in the margins written in a different ink around it. In the middle of recto there is a drawing of a man, chained to a yoke or possibly a cross, although the legs are apart as if he is walking. The older text seems to be literary, possibly a Judaeo-Arabic paraphrase of Esther, and mentions a king and Haman. The text around is written in the first person (CUDL)
Minute fragments probably from a letter. Reference to 'our Nasi'. AA
Recto: late document from Fustat involving the conditions of a purchase, between Ya[...] Provencal and al-Amir Muhammad [... ...]. Also mentions Shemuel b. Moshe Arditi who currently lives in Constantinople. Needs further examination.
Literary - recommend suppress
Arabic Document
Recto: unidentified text with many Hebrew quotations (possibly poetical). Verso: outlines of a table.
Leaf from a book, possibly medical, with Arabic jottings in margin on verso. (CUDL)
Apparently a small fragment from a medical book, mentioning cartilage, the heart and illnesses. CUDL
Dietary laws concerning animals and birds. CUDL
Medical? Unidentified text, referring to ‘dying from the perishing cold’. AA and CUDL
Recto: unidentified. Verso: opening of a short letter in Hebrew.
Minute fragment from a letter. The name Ishaq is mentioned. No more data is preserved. AA