Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
See PGP 22794
Arabic - needs examination.
See PGP 22794
See PGP 22812
See PGP 22856
list of items belongs to Abu Ali: Oil, Saffron etc. AA
See PGP 22880
Letter with some list of items? late - needs examination.
See PGP 22904
Arabic document - needs further examination.
Fragment from an Arabic letter- needs examination.
Part of a treatise, possibly on inheritance. Arabic (CUDL)
Judaeo-Arabic fragment, part of a treatise on ritual slaughter
Text is too damaged to identify, but mentions [...] b. Joseph; Saʿīd [...] and some other uncomplete names on verso. AA
F. 1: text and translation of Genesis 27:31-34. F. 2: notes.
Too little text remains to identify.
Business letter from Alexandria to Fustat. Only the top right preserved. Late. (FGP)
See PGP 22999
Three fragments of a letter. Dealing with business issues that came to court. AA
See PGP 23007