Tag: get

114 records found
Verso: Bill of divorce. Location: Fustat. Dated: 1564 Seleucid, which is 1252/53 CE. Husband: Nissim b. Sar Shalom ha-Levi of Damascus, the same husband from recto. This document was not completed.
Bill of divorce, fragment. Location: Somewhere in Egypt. Involves someone named al-Sarūjī.
Recto: Bill of divorce. Dated: Sunday, 16 Heshvan 1456(?) Seleucid, which is 1144/45 CE. Location: al-Maḥalla. Husband: Yeshuʿa b. Merayot (a man of the same rare name appears as a witness in T-S 8J12.2). Wife: Malīḥa bt. David. Witnesses: Re'uven b. Yaʿaqov and Elʿazar b. Gilʿad. Verso: Addendum stating that Malīḥa received the get.
Am uncomplete bill of divorce (get) from Fustat 1366 to the Era of Documents (1055 CE). The husbands name is Nasir b. Ya'aqov. The wife's name remains blank and no signatures. AA
Recto: geṭ of Tamīm b. Shelomo and Nafīsa bat David; signed by Joseph ha-Levi he-Ḥaver b. Ḥalfon and Joseph b. Naḥmān. Verso: another legal document, possibly a draft, mainly in Judaeo-Arabic, followed by jottings, mentioning the agent Ṣadoq ha-Kohen. (Information from CUDL)
Minute fragment, from a draft of a bill of divorce of Semah b. […]. The year is only partially preserved: Tishrei […]93. Probably 11th century, so it can be 1032 (if the year is 4793 era of creation) or 1082 if the year is 1393 era of documents. Earlier period is also possible- 932 or 983. AA
Minute fragment, from a bill of divorce. No more data is preserved. AA
Minute fragment from a bill of divorce (get). Only the verb ושבקית (and I released) and the name of the woman- Maliha d. Berakhot is preserved.
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The husband named Zedaqa, the wife’s name is not preserved. Written by Halfon b. Menashshe Halevi who signed it together with Ishaq b. Shemuel the Spaniard. AA
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The woman’s name is Sitt al-Sada. Only the last two digits of the year is preserved: [..]82. AA
A damaged bill of divorce (get). The top part is missing. The woman is Hilala d. Nathan. Signed by […] b. Avraham ha-haver, […] b. Shemuel ha-melamed. AA
Shelomo b. Avraham divorces Yuman (?) the daughter of Avraham. Signed by Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq and Hillel b. Eli. Dated Kislev,1391/October 1079. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Divorce document of Sitt al-Fakhr bat Berakhot (husband's name not preserved). Signed by Moshe b. Sadoq and Moshe b. Yehuda. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Minute fragment from the top of a bill of divorce (get) from Fustat. Written by the same scribe who wrote T-S AS 147.255. AA
Fragment from a bill of divorce of Hibba Hakohen from Fustat. Written by the same scribe who wrote T-S AS 147.254. AA
Small and damaged fragment of a bill of divorce (get)
Bill of divorce. Small fragment. Wife: Ghāliya bt. Yaḥyā.
Bill of divorce (geṭ). Location: Fustat. Dated: 144[.] Seleucid, which is 1128–38 CE. Husband: Yosef [b. ʿEli]. Wife: [Sitt] al-Jamīʿ bt. Shelomo. (They may actually only be betrothed and not married; T-S 8J17.9 fol. 2v, from 1132 CE, is their betrothal contract.) Signed by: Natan b. Shelomo ha-Kohen and Ḥalfon b. Menashshe ha-Levi. On verso the documentation that she received the geṭ. (Information in part from Goitein's index cards.) ASE
Divorce contract of Zechariah b. X and the daughter of al-Ma'ali. Signed by Natan b. Shemuel and Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. Dated Sivan 1443/ June 1132. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Divorce contract between Shabbetay b. Mamal (Mu'ammal?) from Ascalon, Palestine and Sittut b. Yefet from Alexandria, Egypt. Fustat. Dated 1535/ 1223-24. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, pp. 262, 485)