Tag: ib7

67 records found
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Fragment of a mercantile letter, probably from Aden, concerning shipments of textiles, books, spices, and gems. (Information from Goitein notes linked below.)
Letter from an India trader, probably in Yemen. In Judaeo-Arabic. He recently came from India (Kullam, recto margin l. 15) and intends to return to India (r15). He refers to Mālikī dinars (r15, v9), which were in use in Yemen. He expresses gratitude with a gruesome turn of phrase: "The flesh on my body belongs to you, and even if I skinned it and (gave?) it to you, it would not repay you." He has purchased a 6-year-old female slave for Sitt al-Ḥusn and two pearl bracelets, among other items, which he hopes will be transported in the Kārim fleet. The addressees should send their letters to Mufliḥ b. Sūdān. Mentions Khalaf the son of the Kohen, Yiṣḥaq al-Nafūsī, 'the parnas,' and Abū l-Surūr al-Kohen Ibn al-Dawānīqī. He has been unable to collect a debt from Fahd, for in this town there is no one to oblige anyone to pay their debts aside from one’s own ‘gentlemanly character’ (muruwwa). Mentions having sent something to Nahrwara (in India) (v9). (Information in part from Goitein's attached notes and CUDL.)
Letter sent from an unidentified man, in Alexandria, to his brother, in Shayzar (Syria). In Judaeo-Arabic. The sender has recently returned from a long visit to Yemen. The addressee has recently moved from Ḥamāh to Shayzar (a smaller town nearby), and is planning to emulate his brother and travel overseas. On verso there are jottings. (Information from CUDL.)
Awaiting description - see Goitein notes linked below.
Awaiting description - see Goitein notes linked below.
Awaiting description