Tag: ladino

204 records found
ENA 1822a.83: Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated as 21 Shvat [54]92 or 17 February 1732CE. The same name Moshe Ḥason "חסון" listed here (l. 5r) appears in the join ENA NS 27.7. On the recto, a variety of Ottoman coinage types are mentioned such as funduqli, medin, and cinzirli. On the verso, the lower entry includes Shabtai Alpalas in the heading which is followed by a variety of numerical figures. MCD.
ENA 1822a.83a: Accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated in one recto entry as 8 Tevet [54]92 or 6 January 1732CE. On the recto one Moshe Ḥason is mentioned, who can be traced through this fragment's joins, and another name Martin Tersela[?] appears in the third line up from the bottom of the scan. The latter surname also appears in l. 2r as part of another entry where funduqli coinage is in use. The same accounting format continues onto this fragment's verso. MCD.
List of accounts in Ladino and western Arabic numerals dated at the opening of each entry, for example, 15 Shvat 5450 or 25 January 1690CE. In the second entry on the recto, the phrase "es de corto" may be referring to characteristics of goods (l. 9r). At the bottom of the recto, it appears the author ceased completing an entry that had already been designated a date. On the verso, a fragment of an account entry is visible with the name Akiva mentioned in the last line. MCD.
Letter in a mixture of Ladino and Hebrew. Needs examination.
Accounts in Ladino and Hebrew. Western Arabic numerals are in use with one entry on the recto dated 26 Sivan [5]632 or July 2 1872CE. This dated entry also mentions S[eñor] Yiṣḥaq Menashshe and lists a variety of coinage types such as "old one ducats / דוקאדו ישן אונו" and "new ducats / דוקאדוס מואיבוס". Given the dating of the fragment, the latter coinage designation is likely not a reference to Venetian gold ducats, however, the "old one ducats" may refer to pre-1797 currency from Venice. Another coinage label takes form in "Mahmudi / מאחמודי" which is reference to money minted under the Ottoman Sultan Mahmud II. The list format continues on the fragment's verso with a wide variety of goods referenced, such as "black and white silk string / קורדילה די סידה לבן ושחור" which appears ten lines up from the bottom of the right column. MCD.
Accounts in Ladino and Hebrew that can be dated through a join's (ENA 2715.19) entry dated 26 Sivan [5]632 or July 2 1872CE. MCD.
Accounts in Ladino and Hebrew that can be dated through a join's (ENA 2715.19) entry dated 26 Sivan [5]632 or July 2 1872CE. The term "lustro / varnish" is repeated among a list of many other goods whose quantities and/or prices are being added together. MCD.
Small fragment in Ladino, probably from a letter.
Small fragment in Ladino, probably from a letter.
Fragment in Ladino, probably from a business letter. Needs further examination.
Late accounts, at least partially in Ladino
Letter from an unknown writer, in Skopje (אישקופייה), to Sha'ul b. David, in Salonika. In Ladino. Needs examination for content.
Long document in Ladino (and some Hebrew). Needs further examination. May be related to the next two shelfmarks, also long documents in Ladino which pertain to Daniel Bonfil.
Letterbook of Alpalas y Costa, preserving mainly (or entirely?) letters addressed to Daniel Bonfil in Livorno. Dating: 5481 AM, which is 1721 CE.
Letterbook of Alpalas y Costa, preserving mainly (or entirely?) letters addressed to Daniel Bonfil in Livorno. Dating: 5481 AM, which is 1721 CE.
Letter addressed to Menaḥem Mir. Features honorific titles for the addressee in Hebrew (היקר נבון ונעלה), followed by the first few lines of the body of the letter in Ladino. The letter draft opens by reporting that "we are well, peaceful, and of good health / estamos buenos de pas y de salud" (l. 3r) and goes on to mention "mazal tov" and the name Yiṣḥaq Mir de Avraham (l. 4-5r). Possibly also the beginning of the winter and sending a shipment (l. 6r). MCD. ASE.
Accounts in Ladino.
Letter in Ladino to Shelomo Almanas or Almatango[?] on verso from Aharon ha-Kohen dated [54?]78 or [53?]78. The latter year seems more likely because the third digit is expressed with a character that most closely resembles "ש" and alongside "٧٨" or 1617-1618CE. This is a very distinct hand with a great deal of curvature expressed in cursive ligatures. In lines 7-10v the letter's author discusses a transaction in selling items whose color is under consideration and this sale continues as the topic of the marginal section. MCD. On recto is a list of Amoraim and where they are mentioned in the Talmud. Information from FGP.
Letter in Ladino. Dated: 10 Nisan 5581 AM, which is 1821 CE. Gives the writer's name and location as well as the addressee's name, but all are difficult to read. Mentions various ships and business matters as well as Crete (Candia). Needs further examination.
Letter (ending only) addressed to David b. Naʿim and Moshe b. Naʿim. Written in Judaeo-Arabic (body) and Ladino (address). Dating: Late 18th or early 19th century. Needs examination for content. May belong with one or more of the nearby shelfmarks.