Tag: recommendation

71 records found
Letter from Yosef b. Labrāṭ al-Fāsī (identified on the basis of the handwriting), probably writing from Qayrawān, to Yaʿaqov b. Yosef Ibn ʿAwkal. Refers to disagreements in the Qayrawān community, and gives a recommendation to a young man, Yosef b. Avraham b. Sfūs, who is travelling to Fustat and has with him numerous letters and wares. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, pp. 293-294.)
Letter of recommendation in the hand of Ḥalfon b. Menashshe. In Judaeo-Arabic. He describes the suffering two people underwent and asks for help on their behalf.
Letter of recommendation written by Avraham b. Yiṣḥaq, 'av bet dinsellekol yisra'el', for Yehoshuaʿ b. Eli and David b. Shemuel.
Recto: Letter of recommendation in Arabic script. Abū Yūsuf Munajjā asks the addressee in Alexandria to help the bearer, Abū l-Faraj the scholar. (Join by OZ and information from OZ and NV.) Reused for a Hebrew composition in the hand of Nāṣir al-Adīb al-ʿIbrī.
Letter of recommendation for charity. In Hebrew. Late.
Petition / letter of recommendation. In Arabic script. Dating: Perhaps ca. 13th century. From Ibn al-Miṭrān ('son of the bishop'). Seems to be recommending the bearer (muwaṣṣilhā, l. 5) for charity or some other kind of support (isʿāf... muʿāḍada...). He is described as suffering from despondency (qanaṭ, l. 7) on account of difficult circumstances. Needs further examination.
Informal note from Hillel b. ʿEli to Eli b. Yaḥya ("al-Parnas al-Neʾeman"). In Judaeo-Arabic. Asking him to look after Ṣedaqa b. Nufayʿ and his father who were local people and deserving. Verso: 8 persons donate each 1/4 dinar, presumably for the needy mentioned on recto (poor hand, but not that of ʿEli the parnas). (Information from Goitein's index card.)
Recommendation letter addressed to Nahray b. Nissim, for a writer who is traveling to Egypt to copy manuscripts and to marry a relative of Nahray. (information from Goitein, Palestinian Jewry, p. 174). VMR
Official letter from the office of one of the later Maimonidean Nagids. Headed with an elaborate Emet. Perhaps instructing Avraham ha-Zaqen to help the bearer of the letter who is a deserving man from a good family; he should receive charity without knowing who the giver is. On verso there is a note in Judaeo-Arabic and Greeek/Coptic numerals concerning a qāʿa.
Informal note from Eliyyahu, in Alexandria, to Yefet ha-Kohen ha-Ḥazzan. In Judaeo-Arabic. Urging him to heed the letters that have already been sent from Alexandria regarding helping a poor man. Verso: Informal note (response to recto?) from Aharon ha-Kohen saying that he will fulfill the addressee's request.
Letter from Avraham Neḥmad to Moshe b. ʿAbd al-Waliyy. Writer and addressee are Qaraites. Written in Hebrew and Judaeo-Arabic. The letter begins with a recommendation for the bearer, Yiṣḥaq al-Ḥamawī. The whole community of Ḥamawīs (people from Hama) in the writer's location is in great distress on account of the capitation tax (jāliya). The continuation of the letter deals with business matters. Verso also contains sums in