Tag: cudl

3301 records found
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay Abū l-Faḍl 7 dinars. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay al-Rayyis Abū Saʿd 6 dinars. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the bearer one and a quarter dinars for gum mastic. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the bearer 5 dinars for wax (candles). Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the household of al-Riyānī 2 dinars. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the bearer 3.5 dinars in cash (ʿayn). Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the household of Rīḥān 3 dinars. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Order of payment issued by Abū Zikrī Kohen to his banker, Abū l-Khayr Khiyyār, instructing him to pay the (אליודפיה) household 2 dinars. Dated Av 1451 (= 1140 CE). (Information from CUDL)
Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of Accounts on behalf of the Office of Supervision: the warehouse keeper has paid the sum of two, a quarter and a sixth (dirhams?) on behalf of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb for the estates in Al-Fayyūm, under the supervision of the judge Ṯiqat al-Mulk Makīn al-Dawla wa-Amīnuhā, of the protégé of the commander of the faithful Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Bahār, and the accountant Abū l-Sarī Theodor b. Yuḥannis. Dated: 24 Muḥarram 404 AH, which is August 1013 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of Accounts on behalf of the Office of Supervision: Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb has paid the sum of a third and a twelfth (dirhams?) for the estates in Al-Fayyūm, under the supervision of the judge Ṯiqat al-Mulk Makīn al-Dawla wa-Amīnuhā, of the protégé of the commander of the faithful Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Bahār, and the accountant Abū l-Sarī Theodor b. Yuḥannis. Dated: 7 Ṣafar 404 AH, which is August 1013 CE. Verso: Arabic accounts (incomplete). (Information from CUDL)
Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of Accounts on behalf of the Office of Supervision: the tax-farmer Ḏāt al-Ṣafā has paid three, a half and a sixteenth (dirhams?), under the supervision of the judge Ṯiqat al-Mulk Makīn al-Dawla wa-Amīnuhā, of the protégé of the commander of the faithful Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Bahār, the deputy judge Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥasan b. Yaḥyā b. Bahār and the elder accountant Sadīd al-Dawla Abū l-Faraj ʿAbd al-Masīḥ b. Qūrīl. Dated: 3 Ramaḍān 402 AH, which is March 1012 CE. Verso: beginning of a draft of the document on recto. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Letter in Arabic script. Fragment. Mentions Yūsuf (l. 1), a boat, and a qāḍī (l. 3). On verso there is a tax receipt (see separate entry). (Information in part from CUDL)
Verso: Receipt relating to the tax farm of Abū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb written by Mīkhāʾīl b. ʿAbd al-Masīḥ, the cashier, and registered by the Office of Accounts on behalf of the Office of Supervision: AAbū l-Ḥasan b. Wahb has paid the sum of two, a half, a third and an eighth (dirham?) for the estates in Al-Fayyūm, under the supervision of the judge Ṯiqat al-Mulk Makīn al-Dawla wa-Amīnuhā, of the protégé of the commander of the faithful Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī b. Bahār, and the accountant Abū l-Sarī Theodor b. Yuḥannis. Dated: 25 Dhū l-Qa‘da 403 AH, which is June 1013 CE. Recto: letter (see separate entry). (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Court record in Arabic script. Regarding a surgical operation by a physician. Nāṣir b. Jibrīl asks the Jewish physician Makārim b. Isḥāq to perform surgery on the eye of his daughter, Sutayt, which is affected by pus behind the cornea. If the operation is successful, the payment is set at 2 dirhams; if the operation is a failure, the payment will be negotiated. The document is witnessed and signed by ʿAbd al-Qawī b. ʿAbd al-Muʾṭī b. Hilāl al-Anṣārī. Dating: ca. 1250 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: Acknowledgement of the payment of rent. Dated: 3 Rabīʿ I 607 AH, which is 25 August 1210 CE. Aḥmad b. al-Shaykh ʿAlī Ibn al-Akhḍar has received all the rent due to him from al-Muzbid Abū l-Khayr, the physician, to . The document is written, witnessed and signed by ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz b. Harūn. (Information from CUDL and Khan.)
End of a letter to a dignitary. In Arabic script. On the other side there is a legal document (see separate record). Needs further examination. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: deed of sale for part of a house. One of the parties is Abū Naṣr Manṣūr Ibn al-ʿAynzarbī, "one of the entourage of al-Ḥāfiẓ" (the Fatimid caliph al-Ḥāfiẓ who reigned 1131–49 CE). This is a famous physician: see https://scholarlyeditions.brill.com/reader/urn:cts:arabicLit:0668IbnAbiUsaibia.Tabaqatalatibba.lhom-tr-eng1:14.29. (See also T-S NS 264.22, which mentions a volume in the handwriting of Ibn al-ʿAynzarbī. It's possible that fragments in his handwriting have been preserved in the Geniza—Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿa emphasizes that Ibn al-ʿAynzarbī was an excellent and prolific scribe.) This document also mentions Karīm al-Dawla ʿAytham, "one of the great amirs of al-Ḥāfiẓ." The verso document also concerns the purchase of the property on the recto, and mentions the Amīr Athīr al-Mulk Sharaf al-Dawla wa-Fārisuhā, Abū Saʿd b. Abū ʿImrān ‘the Jewish moneychanger’, Sitt al-Jamāl bt. Abū Saʿd b. Abū ʿImrān, Abū l-Faḍāʾil Muḥammad Ibn al-Qāḍī, and Maḥmūd, and was witnessed by ʿAbd al-Salām. (Information in part from CUDL.) ASE
Report to the chancery of the caliph Al-Āmir bi-Aḥkām Allāh regarding the arrival of some Byzantine (Rūmī) merchants named Sergius the son of Constantine, Grasso the son of Leo the Amalfitan, and Bon Senyon the Genovese, who brought timber to trade. Dating: ca. 495–524 AH, which is 1101–30 CE. (Information from CUDL)
Recto: two documents. The first is an order for delivery of dues to the office of land tax (dīwān al-kharāj) written by the accountant Abū Musabbiḥī Abū l-Qāsim al-Ḥasan b. al-Ḥusayn, in which it is stated that Abū l-Ḥasan Mājid b. Yaʿqūb shall deliver to the land-tax office the dues that he received from Wasly b. Maymūn and that went through the hands of Abū Qalā ʿAbd al-Raḥmān […], Zakariyā b. Mukhtār, ʿAlūn b. Ḥanūn (the clerk), Ṣayfī b. Rashīd and Qolte b. al-Sarrī (surveyors). Dated: 423 AH, which is 1031/32 CE. The second document is a receipt issued by a tax officer testifying that he has received the total payment by the aforementioned Abū l-Ḥasan Mājid b. Yaʿqūb. This receipt is written in the form of a declaration: yaqūl ʿabd mawlānā.... On verso and on the left margin of recto, there is a homily in Judaeo-Arabic and Hebrew. (Information from CUDL and Khan.)
Deed of acknowledgement (iqrār). In Arabic script. Concerns a debt of 2 dinars contracted by Abū l-Ḥasan b. Yaḥyā, the Christian bath attendant (al-ḥammāmī) from ʿAlī b. Ibrāhīm al-Ḥāris [...] b. Abū l-Qāsim al-[…] (ll. 4–5). Dating: ca. 11th century CE. (Information from CUDL and Khan.)