Tag: account

728 records found
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.20 + ENA 641.22 + ENA 641.24. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.20 + ENA 641.22 + ENA 641.24. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.19 + ENA 641.21 + ENA 641.23. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.20 + ENA 641.22 + ENA 641.24. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.19 + ENA 641.21 + ENA 641.23. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Account whose heading reads taʿrīf rafaʿahu Abū al-ʿAyb al-šayḫ al-ġilmānī). Once belonged to the same account as ENA 641.19 + ENA 641.21 + ENA 641.23. The account was cut in 6 parts to write 6 individual piyyutim.
Verso: Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: likely ca. 1150–1250.
Accounts of Arus b. Yosef. (Information from Goitein's index cards). See PGP 20645
Letter in which the sender relates about some letters that reached him, discussing financial matters, among others some account books of different people and a registration document to be taken by the recipient to a Muslim judge, and also mentioning some letters that should be brought to Cairo. In the hand of Yosef b. ʿEli Kohen Fāsī (Gil). The sender is in Būṣīr. He asks the recipient to obtain an order from the vizier to a head judge to investigate the expropriation of goods that belonged to a deceased so-and-so b. Salāma. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 3, p. 365.) Verso is blank.
Letter in the hand of Berakhot b. Shemuel. Possibly addressed to Avraham Maimonides. In Judaeo-Arabic. The letter is an extremely polite reminder to give the writer some money, perhaps as reimbursement or as a wage from the public funds. "When I observed some delay on the part of the master, which is not his custom. . . . I attributed it to his honor's (al-ḥaḍra) preoccupation with the illness of the master (al-mawlā) and the distraction of his mind and his distance from his country. . . ." It is not entirely clear whether the ḥaḍra and the mawlā are different people or not. "The proof, by God, will be from Sunday onward, and tomorrow is Friday, and I have not received anything except for 2 1/4 raṭls of [bread?]. What I received from the jāmikiyya only lasted through the end of the day today, Thursday, the 2nd of Dhū l-Qaʿda." Someone titled ʿAlam al-Dīn gave the writer 9 1/2 (dirhams?). The writer emphasizes the urgency of his request, "for I am among the dead/perishing." He appends an account of expenses for the week, again referring to the jāmikiyya. The expenses include many foodstuffs as well as the fee for the bathhouse and the launderer. The transcription below includes only the words, not the Coptic numerals given for each item. ASE.
List, an account of expenditures, by Abū al-Munajjā al-Zariz, including clothing the poor (140 dirhams), money for the children of the nasi, for payment to the acquaintance of the dayyan. | List or account in which the Kohen Abū al-Munajjā, surnamed al-Zariz, collector for the charitable foundations in New Cairo, turns in 100 dirhams that were used for the distribution of clothing, and an additional 50 that were spent on another approved charity. Dated Tevet 1493/ December 1181. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, 423) Written under the authority of the Nagid Sar Shalom ha-Levi. A note written by R. Isacc the dayyan is mentioned. The transcription here is for ENA NS 28.15.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: Probably no earlier than 13th century.
Table in Arabic script, possibly an account.
Recto (secondary use): Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic naming people such as Barhūn and Abū l-Khayr and Yūsuf. Dating: shortly after 1047/48 CE. The hand may be known (probably the addressee of the original letter).
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic, extensive. Dating: Likely 11th century. Many names are mentioned, including Barhūn and al-Dustarī (=al-Tustarī) and Bunyām al-Ḥazzan. Commodities inclue ambergris.
Business accounts written by Arus b. Yosef. Recto: account (table form) in a fiscal hand, transverse to Arabic text. Mentions Damietta and 4 shrouds/shirts (ṭayalisa). Verso: list or table in Hebrew script. Note on JTS volume in pencil: "many lists in this script are in Cambridge."
Account by Avraham Ibn Yiju of Indian products sold for another merchant, Aden, ca. 1141-44.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Cairo. May even give a year, but needs further examination. See PGP 20645