Tag: marriage

412 records found
Marriage document. A torn and damaged Karaite ketubah. Although no complete sentences have survived, from the remaining words and phrases we can be sure that this is a Karaite ketubah: e.g החתן הבחור החשוב, ואליו תשוקתו and more. Probably 11th century. Hebrew. AA
Marriage document. Long a narrow fragment from a ketubah, with only a few words surviving. The hand is by Mevorakh b. Nathan, and the נגיד הגולה (the Nagid of the Diaspora) who is referred to in the first line is Shemuʾel b. Ḥananya ha-Nagid, so we can date to 1150–1160. Hebrew, Aramaic, Judeo-Arabic. Arabic diacritic above one word. On line 5 an end of an Arabic word in Arabic script? AA
Ketubba fragment. Location: New Cairo. Bride: Sitt al-Sāda bt. Avraham ha-Kohen.
Marriage document. Small fragment from a ketubba. All we have are the usual stipulations found in marriage contracts. Part of the bride’s name has survived: [...]טר, so her name was probably סת אלנטר (Sitt al-Naẓar) Dating: Possibly 13th–14th century. AA
.Marriage document. Minute fragment, damaged and creased from a ketubah. Only a few words from the dowry list are preserved. Judeo-Arabic. AA. Needs preservation.
Legal document and a marriage document. Damaged fragment containing 3 different legal deeds in 3 different hands, most likely refers to the same parties. On recto what looks like a part from a bill of gift or a will, in Hebrew and Aramaic. Two names mentioned: מובחר and Ya'aqov. On verso two legal documents. On the right side from a legal document of unknown nature, probably between husband and wife. Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic. On the left side a damaged fragment from a ketubah de'irkasa כתובה דארכסא, that is a ketubah written as a replacement for a lost ketubah. Aramaic. AA
Marriage contract (ketubba) of a divorcee. The grand total of the marriage gift and dowry is 39 dinars. Dated ca. 1000. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, p. 397)
Marriage document. Karaite deed of betrothal of Amat al-Waḥid אמה אלואחד daughter of Ḥalfon and Ḥaifon ha-Levi ben Daniel b. Bundār. Early 11th century, Cairo [?] (data from Olszowy-chlanger Judith. Karaite Marriage Documents from the Cairo Geniza, 1998, p. 308. Musafir b. Yitsḥak מסאפר ב. יצחק and Shiloh b. Yoseph שלה ב. יוסף testified that she is not coerced and free in her mind. Hillel was probably her marriage agent. Hebrew. AA Dating: 11th century
Legal document. An agreement between Shlomo b. Avraham and the mother of his daughter (probably divorced) regarding her support. The year is [1]403 (1092) in Fustat. Verso is blank. Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew and Aramaic. AA
Margin of recto: Fragment of the Arabic portion of a marriage contract, discussing the groom's promises to the bride regarding her exemption from oaths; margin on recto. Bottom of the page , straight lines at 90 degrees to main text.
Ketubba written by Yefet b. David
Ketubba from 1091-1110 written by Hillel b. Eli. The groom is Ayyash b. Berakhot
Fragment of a ketubba of the groom Yefet b. Avraham from Alexandria signed by Avraham b. Yaʿaqov. Dated ca. 1100. (Information from Mediterranean Society, IV, p. 399)
Qaraite ketubba.
Marriage document. See ENA NS I.13
Ketubba of Nissim and Aziza bt. kathir. Written by Yefet b. David and signed by Avraham b. Farah and Moshe b. Amram (only full signatures recorded). Aziza was a virgin.
Ketubba. Early. (Information from Goitein's index cards)
Marriage contract. Dated: Sunday, 14 Tishrei 5557, which is 1796 CE. Location: Cairo. Groom: David Gabbay b. Seʿadya. Bride: ביתו (or does this just mean daughter?) of Khalīfa Pinto. Currencies: real, medin. Witnesses: The same signature appears twice, and it may be identical with the signature in ENA NS 29.19, ~20 years later.
Marriage document. Minute fragment from a ketubah. It seems that the mohar is 12½ zuz (only the word ופלגי [= and a half] is visible). For this sum and its Babylonian influence see Friedman, Jewish Marriage in Palestine 1:253. AA
Marriage document, probably. Narrow strip.