Tag: fgp stub

894 records found
needs examination. Image not available?
Trader's letter concerned with the sale of commodities, in which the addressee is asked to send 'the boy' to Abu l-Hasan. Judeo Arabic. Only part of the address in Arabic on verso. AA
Family letter sent by Joseph to Abu al-Hasan, informing the addressee that he will come visit on Hanukka and sending his greetings to several people, such as Umm Najib and Abu al-Najm. 13 century or later. The address on verso is Arabic script. (AA).
Letter sent by Abu al-Hasan b. Atiya to Wafi b. Hasan and Avraham b. Sedaqa, dealing with an Islamic law that stipulates the levying of 500 dinars from the Jews in Egypt, and sending greetings to relatives (FGP)
7 fragments. Fol. 1 a legal deed in Ladino. Fol. 2 a letter in Ladino from Shlomo Tapyero שלמה טאפיירו. Fol. 3 a commentary on Mishna, Ketubot 1:1, in Hebrew. Fol. 4 a letter by Aharon di-Lucena in Ladino. Fol 5. Midrash on Parashat va-Yigash, in Hebrew. Fol. 6 a business letter from Avraham Arfol ארפולfrom Cairo to his business partner Shemuel Kohen Dabah דבח from Rashid. Mid 15th century. Fol 7 a list of items and prices in Judeo Arabic. AA
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No image available. A letter to Menahem and Elazar Hakohen, 17th century. (FGP)
no image available. According to Mosseri Catalogue this MS contains 25 pages, in a late hand. Including formulas of legal deed according to the custom of Istanbul. AA
Damaged and torn. On recto draft of a court record written by Shmuel b. Saadya Halevi (1165-1203). The date given in Mosseri Catalogue (1039) is wrong, and is based on Gil's publication of a document with the same shelf mark (Palestine, II, no. 189) which is another document. Mosseri catalogue is referring to this document and mentioned Shmuel b. Saadya Halevi. Names on recto: Abu al-Faraj b. Abu Nasr, Abu al-Hasan al-Zajaj known as Ben al-Matar. On verso the bottom part of a legal deed signed by Mevorakh b. Natan. Based on this data we can date this document to 1165-1181. AA
A torn fragment probably from a letter in Hebrew, only few words remained on each line. AA
no image available. According to Mosseri Catalogue this MS contains small notes in Arabic regarding ordering of drinks. AA
See PGP 3783
no image available. According to Mosseri Catalogue this MS contains various lists, some in Arabic script, regarding business matters. AA
no image available. According to Mosseri Catalogue on verso a bill of debt. AA
no image available. According to Mosseri CatalogueL A receipt of rent payment. On verso: Arabic script.
no image available. According to Mosseri Catalogue remains of a private letter in Judeo Arabic. AA
no image available. According to Mosseri Catalogue remains from a list regarding business. AA