Tag: ladino

204 records found
Accounts in Ladino with Western Arabic numerals that label transactions with relevant names such as Suleymān "סלימן", Raḥman "רחמן", and Moshe. In one of the entries toward the upper edge of the fragment the adjective or surname "Mughrabi" also appears. On occasions the word "corto / "קורטו is also in use in labeling specific entries. MCD.
Letter fragment in Ladino. Dated: 11 Elul 5501 AM, which is 1741 CE.
Complete letter in Ladino.
Fragment of a letter in Ladino.
Fragment of a letter in Ladino. The name of the addressee is preserved, something like: דוד וילייז לובושון.
Recto: bottom half of a letter in Ladino from Shemuel Sidi (same as T-S 12.318 and T-S 12.381). Verso: unclear, needs examination. Long list of names, mostly Shimons. ASE.
Fragment of a letter in Ladino.
Accounts in Ladino.
Short business letter in Ladino that appears to be dated 25 Shevat 5582 (16 February 1822), but this was a Shabbat, so perhaps the date needs reexamining. The writer is Shemuel Rubino (?) and the addressee is Yiṣḥaq de Curiel. The letters "C" and "SR" appear in the margin (the writer's initials?). ASE
Letter in Ladino. The signature looks like אברהם שיאונו. Needs further examination.
Accounts in Ladino.
Accounts in Ladino mentioning the year 590 = 1829/30 CE.
Accounts mainly in Ladino, written in the same hand but not necessarily from the same notebook (the pages are not all the same size, and the grids on different fragments are in purple ink vs. red/brown ink). Lists of names in Ladino which follow a common formula repeating the phrase "la mujer de X." There are also Greek influenced names such as "la mujer de Nicoli ẓu Demitri". The list's structure and the paleography help to estimate the dating as 18th/19th-century. One fragment additionally contains a list of donations (?) from individuals including Yaʿaqov Bibas, a Mosseri, and a Bialobos. MCD.
Letter in Ladino.
Letter in Ladino to Yehuda Gatenio, from a business partner in Alexandria, dated 10 August 1823 (3 Elul 5583). Deals entirely with business transactions; Yehuda is to send something to the writer in Alexandria. "The ship is in Alexandria."
Left side of a letter in Ladino.
Recto and first line of verso: Hebrew letter to Gabriel Conforte. The author of the letter mentions a number of books he has received, among which the responsa of David ben Solomon ibn Abi Zimra (fl. 1513-1573). Remainder of verso: Ladino letter, perhaps the response to the Hebrew letter. Information from FGP.
Accounts in Ladino, mentioning gold and silver.
Letter in Ladino. The year is given, but difficult to read.
Recto: Letter from Yiṣḥaq de Curiel. In Ladino. Verso: sums.