Tag: list

296 records found
See PGP 12572
Business accounts. In Judaeo-Arabic. The hand may be known. Dating: 11th century. A sum of 180 dinars appears. Mentions goods such as: pepper, flax, garments. Mentions people such as: Ibn ʿAwkal, al-Ḥamrāwī, al-ʿArīf, al-Shāmī, Barakāt b. Saʿāda. Mentions places such as Alexandria and Rashīd. Probably a join with ENA 3740.6.
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic.
Accounts of what Hārūn al-Jābī has collected. In Judaeo-Arabic.
Accounts of a bookseller. In Judaeo-Arabic. A note in the margin mentions Avraham ha-Ḥaver ha-Meʿulle ba-Ḥavura and "I, Yefet b. Netanel."
List of entries in Arabic script that include names, locations, and possibly goods such as "ʿaṭr/عطر" or "perfume" which appears throughout the recto and verso. Many of the figures are expressed in Coptic numerals but on occasion an Arabic "5" appears in certain entries. For an example of the appearance of a name and location, on the recto's left section "Skenderiye/Alexandria" is mentioned, as is the name "Yūsuf" in the same entry (l. 18r). MCD.
List of entries that designates names in Arabic script and expresses figures in Coptic numerals. For example, on the lower recto there is mention of al-Hajj Ahmed Ibrahim amidst a complex array of numerical figures. Throughout the document there are elongated ligatures typical of headings in accounting documents. The verso features the same documentary format. MCD.
List of entries in Arabic script that possibly designate accounts. A number of shorthand terms are in use, for example the single ligature that begins each entry may itself be a common financial term that was quickly written and thus lacks any dotting. Another term, possibly an abbreviation, that appears in some entries is "صو" which could also be read as "حو". On the recto there is evidence that this fragment was glued to the remnant of an unknown printed work from which the number "5" is clear as having been left by a mechanical type-script. This recycled printed fragment may have been glued into the fragment's original binding and helps date the shelfmark as fifteenth-century or later. MCD.
List (FGP), Arabic- needs examination
List (FGP), Arabic- needs examination
List of entries in Arabic script that possibly designate accounts. Based on the remnants of thread used in binding, this fragment is from a larger notebook or ledger. A number of shorthand terms are in use, for example the single ligature that begins each entry may itself be a common financial term that was quickly written and thus lacks any dotting. Another term, possibly an abbreviation, that appears in some entries is "صو" which could also be read as "حو". MCD.
List (FGP). Arabic- needs examination
Accounts. In Arabic script. Dating: Late, probably 18th or 19th century.
Accounts in Arabic script. "Al-maqbūḍ. . .."
Verso (original use): Petition or decree. The ends of ~6 lines are preserved. Between the lines and on recto (secondary use): Account in Arabic script. Needs examination.
List of expenses regarding building according to date? ENA 4047.4 is related.
List of expenses regarding building according to date? ENA 4047.3 is related.
List of names and sums. It looks like what Ḥalfon ha-kohen was able to collect (or distribute?)
List of commodities with their prices
Accounts in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script. Small fragment.