Tag: karaite

319 records found
Business letter from Shmuel b. Yeshu'a to Ishaq b. Avraham
This manuscript contains two different documents. One is a letter to Yehuda b. Moshe Migas. The other is a receipt by Zekharya b. Gershon from Selvata
A letter dealing with Halakhic issues sent to Yosef Shakraji
A letter to Moshe b. Yosef the cantor from Simha Ishaq b. Moshe from Luzk.
A letter to Moshe b. Yosef the cantor from Ishaq b. Ishaq, blessing him to see his daughters(?) marry.
A ketter to Ishaq b. Ya'aqoc from Shalom b. Simha Ishaq
Long letter to Ishaq Noah b. Avraham in Kokizov. The writer is mentioning the communities in Jerusalem and Damascus, and referring to the observation of Passover.
Letter to Yosef b. Noah from Luzka, mostly dealing with monetary issues related to the community
A thank you letter to Moshe b. Yosef in Kokizov from Simha Ishaq b. Moshe in Luzk
A letter to Moshe b. Yosef in Luzk from Mordechai b. Shemuel b. Yeshu'a in Helitz
A long letter from the communities of Poland and Lithuania to Shlumiel b. Shmuel.
A letter to the Karaite community of Istanbul from Shmuel.
A letter to Biמyamin Yerushalmi from the Karaites of Qal'a
Copies of letters to the community of Troki from the community of Lithuania.
A letter to Yosef Shlomo b. Moshe from Yosef Avraham b. Shmuel
A letter from the community of Luzki to Ishaq b. Shlomo
A letter contains mostly discussion on the calendar from Ishaq b. Shlomo
Non-Geniza. Legal document regarding the sale of a vineyard. In Hebrew. Dating: ca. 19th century. Surrounded by sundry jottings including in Russian and Arabo-Hebrew.
Karaite halakhic ruling regarding the inheritance of an unmarried daughter sent to Binyamin Dayun from Ishaq
Copies of letter to the Karaite community of Qal'a from Istanbul regarding communal matters