Tag: magic

238 records found
Renderings of modern amulets.
Four columns of a Hebrew magical text about knowing the future. After fasting and cleansing the body, one should go to a field, pronounce some magical names and fall into sleep and then an angel will give him the answers. (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, p. 537 and from Goitein's index cards.) Probably in the hand of Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi.
Two magical incantations against the evil eye. On the other three pages of the bifolium is a list of Torah and Prophets readings.
Magical text copied by Ibn Yiju, probably in Yemen around 1135. The text begins with a magical square (cf. sudoku) of which every line, row and diagonal adds up to 15. Such squares were used as amulets to ease a difficult birth. The square is followed with a protective charm against the evil eye, followed by a protective charm against fever. The largest section is a spell meant to cause one's enemy to be chased away from the town. It is followed by two fragmentary lines mentioning 'hatred.' Line 23 contains obscure magical symbols.
Ketubba fragment, with a lovely decoration in the header. The groom's father is named Shelomo. On verso there are magical remedies/incantations, including one against polyuria.
Magical text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Amulet for the boy Shabbetay Refa'el Ḥayyim b. Simḥa. In Hebrew. Probably late.
Magical text in Hebrew.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Magical text in Hebrew script.
Magical text in Judaeo-Arabic.
Amulet in Aramaic.
Amulet in Hebrew.
Magical text in Hebrew script. Probably late.
Magical recipes in Hebrew, including for sleep and for headache (shaqīqa).
Amulet in calligraphic Hebrew for Eliyyahu b. Esther.
Magical text in Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic. Mentions dream reading.
Amulet for Ḥana bt. Rivqa. In Aramaic and Hebrew. Probably late. Against the evil eye and other bad things.