Tag: cudl

3301 records found
Letter of recommendation for the bearer, mainly missing just the upper right corner. The bearer is a resident of Jerusalem who is traveling to Fustat. In the praises for the recipient, it says, "May God increase his like in the midst of this weak nation [אלאומה אלצעיפה]." ASE.
Letter to Yeshuʿa the judge. (Information from CUDL)
Letter to the community of Qalyūb. Written and signed by Yeḥiel b. Elyaqim (active 1213–38 CE). The whole paper is preserved, but the text is faded; good candidate for multispectral imaging. (Information in part from CUDL.)
Accounts, mentioning Muslim month names. Associated with T-S 147.174. (Information from CUDL)
Letter by David Maimonides to the Nasi. Only the first few lines are preserved. (Information from CUDL)
Drafts of lines, of the address of a letter to a certain Jacob. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document/testimony within a letter (from one judge to another?). Introduced by Psalms 40:12. The witnesses are David b. Yosef, Abū l-Faḍl, and Abū l-ʿIzz. The substance of the case is missing, but it involves a sum of money. (Information in part from CUDL)
Bottom of a rental contract concerning a certain Sheʾeriṯ. On verso Hebrew text, probably pen trials or exercises. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter fragment (lower right corner of recto). The subject matter is obscure. The writer writes, "I have witnesses for that, and before me. . . . until today, and they said he would not pay it to me. . . ." ASE.
Letter in the hand of a member of the Maimonides family, mentioning the elder Yosef. Mentions a package of letters including one from "the judge to Sayyidnā" and another from al-Shaykh al-ʿAlam to his mother. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter fragment mainly in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions Minyat Zifta; blessings that God rescue someone from their enemies; the sender spending Shabbat in Malīj; and the news that the government (dīwān) in the addressee's location opposed or got in the way of 'some of our friends' (baʿḍ aṣḥābnā). (Information in part from CUDL)
Order of payment of three dirhams for the price of paper to אלשיך אלנזר. (Information from CUDL)
Legal document dated but much of the date is lost. Mentions Mukarram al-Kohen. (Information from CUDL)
Commercial letter. (Information from CUDL)
Three partial lines of an Arabic text. Needs examination.
Legal document in the hand of Efrayim b. Shemarya, mentioning Faraḥ and Yosef, and dinars. (Information from CUDL)
Fragment (left side) of a letter. Mentions "goods" (spelled חויג) and the cold.
Letter, on verso either motto or name of the sender: Yeshuʿa. (Information from CUDL)
Accounts, with names such as Ibn Naḥūm and Yakhīn. (Information from CUDL)
Address of a letter sent to Fustat to Eliyyahu the judge (beginning of 13th century). (Information from CUDL)