Tag: 10th or 11th c

2 records found
A widow named Khazariyya instituted a long litigation against her three sons until she got from them what was due her late husband's marriage gift and her dowry, consisting of jewelry, clothing, merchandise and other goods. Dated from the late 10th or early 11th century. (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 247, 248.) NB: Goitein and Worman referred to T-S 16.90 as T-S 16.91, and vice versa.
Legal document related to remission of debts. Location: Fustat. Dating: 966-1011CE. The legal parties mentioned in the document include: Saʿa[dya], Ishmael, Salāma and Yefet. The attestation section mentions Nathan b. Manasseh, [Samue]l b. Jacob, Munīr b. [...]. The document is signed by Šemarya ha-Rav [b. Elḥanan ha-Rav], who served as the head of the Babylonian community in Fustat. (Information from FGP). MCD.