Tag: 11th or 12th c

4 records found
Prayer for the current incumbent of a distinguished family of Kohanim, Moshe ha-Kohen (lived around 1200), opening with a prayer for his ancestors and other deceased relatives (called tarhim) (Information from Mediterranean Society, II, pp. 162, 554)
Bill of divorce formulary or draft. Location: Fustat. Dateable perhaps to the eleventh or twelfth centuries. Line one was left incomplete and undated perhaps as draft or formulary. Line two mentions a husband's name Masʿūd b. Yosef b. Nissim. The wife is named Sayyida. This document represents a rare instance in which a husband notes that he himself has drawn up the bill of divorce (ll. 12-13). MCD. ASE.
Legal declaration. Fragment: only the right side is preserved. Dating: 1089–1188 CE. In Judaeo-Arabic. Involves [Yiṣḥaq] b. Yeshuʿa and Zakkāy. Signed by Moshe ha-Levi b. Ibrahīm.
Recto: Legal document dated 1089–1188 CE, describing a son whose father, before traveling to Yemen, had given him, as ẓedaqa, two houses. The father then gives this on his death-bed to his wife (the son's mother) and declares that everything in and outside the house either belongs to or is given to her. He frees her from all oaths. (Information from Goitein's index card). VMR