Tag: abzaradel

3 records found
Bifolio from a ledger of business accounts. In Ladino and western Arabic numerals. Dated: 26 Kislev [5]503 or [5]505 AM, corresponding to 1742 CE or 1744 CE. The year "[5]503" is repeated two lines further down, so perhaps that is the correct one—or the accounts span a period of 2 years. List of purchases and sales or "copia de compras y vendidas" (l. 2-3r) by Binyamin Abzardil (or Abzaradel). The heading on the verso suggests that this list is a compilation of the entries in Abzardil's own recordkeeping over a period of two years: "conforme todo en sus libritos ke komiensan del 26 Kislev shanat [5]503... [5]505" (l. 3-4r). On the right side of the verso, where the list begins, all values are listed in silver medin coinage (abbreviated "מאי") and this may be the case for all values listed. The list also features a variety of names that represent Abzardil's personal business contacts, such as: Aḥmed Abū Qurra (? l. 11r, right column), Yosef Bilido (l. 12r, right column) Yiṣḥaq Levi (l. 25v on left column). The list continues on the verso. MCD. ASE.
Business letter in Judaeo-Arabic from Raḥamim Abzaradel to Moshe ben Naʿim dated 14 September 1827 (22 Elul 5587).
Agreement from Fusṭāṭ, dated 5562 (= 1802 CE), between Abram ‘the witness’ b. Shabbetay ‘the witness’, and Yaaqov Abzaradel. Witnessed by Yehezqel Ḥaffaḍ, Efrayim [...], and Yosef Ḥassān. (Information from CUDL)