Tag: al-hakim

4 records found
Marginal notes in Judaeo-Arabic on top of an almost entirely effaced literary text in Hebrew. One says "al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh" and another "he disappeared after a few days."
Small fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic historical chronicle mentioning al-Ḥākim bi-Amr Allāh, the governorship of Damascus, the appointment of a certain Muṭahhar (?) after him, and Manṣūra. A new section begins in the middle of the page with the basmala.
Fatimid state decree to a lower official, reused for a Coptic text dated 408–410 AH, hence datable to earlier than that; probably from the reign of al-Ḥākim, possibly even earlier. The Coptic text was partially published as CPR II 1 and MPER XVIII 55, and will be re-edited by Vincent Walter; full bibliography at https://search.onb.ac.at/primo-explore/fulldisplay?docid=ONB_alma21324720350003338&context=L&adaptor=Local%20Search%20Engine&vid=ONB&lang=de_DE&search_scope=ONB_gesamtbestand&tab=default_tab&query=addsrcrid,exact,RZ00003981. (Information from Marina Rustow and Vincent Walter, July 2021)
Recto: Official letter. Approximately 14 lines are preserved. Dating: No earlier than 1021 CE, since al-Ḥākim was dead at the time of writing. Possibly dating to the reign of al-Ẓāhir (1021–36). A letter of gratitude for the sender's patron(s) who aided him in obtaining a decree/rescript renewing his appointment in a certain position. Mentions Abū Muḥammad al-Ḥasan b. Qāsim ("his waliyy and khādim") who brought a mighty decree (sijill muʿaẓẓam) from the caliph (min al-ḥaḍra al-muṭahhara), apparently renewing the sender's appointment "in carrying on my service these districts" (bi-l-jary ʿalā rasmī fī khidmatī bi-hādhihi al-aʿmāl) "and informed me of the benefaction of my masters...." The sender blesses the addressee that he be "in the shadow/protection" (bi-ẓill) of al-Ḥākim (God's peace be upon him / salām Allāh ʿalayhi). Goes on to mention the gratitude of the whole "community" (al-jamāʿa). The line containing the ḥamdala and ṣalwala was originally located at the bottom of the document, but it has migrated to the top due to how it was rolled, glued, and cut open. On verso there is dream interpretation in Judaeo-Arabic. Somehow related to BT Ber. 55 ff (information from Gideon Bohak via FGP). ASE