Tag: arabo-hebrew

3 records found
Psalms in Hebrew written in Arabic script. The beginning of the text on the verso is to be found at the end of the leaf at which the text of the recto finishes. The scribe turned the leaf over around its horizontal axis in order to continue on the verso. 16.8cm. and 15cm. between the top and bottom lines. Two small lacunae. Recto: (Ps. 35:2-37:39). Verso: (Ps. 109:1-115:13). Information from FGP.
Letter in calligraphic Arabic script, with some Hebrew mixed in. Writer and addressee are unknown. The writer chastises the addressee at length, quoting Quran 12:51 along the way. He is pained by what happened with Abū Saʿīd. Mentions ha-Rav (هراب) Moshe in the margin. On verso, somebody has copied out love poetry by Yehuda ha-Levi. There is an edition and detailed discussion by Werner Diem.
Recto: Bible in Hebrew language, Arabic script (Arabo-Hebrew). Bible: Michah 6:6 – 8; Hosea 6:6; Proverbs 21:3. On verso there are Hebrew jottings from Jeremiah 17:7, Arabic and Hebrew marginalia, and a drawing of interlacing circles.