Tag: avraham b. natan

11 records found
Letter, fragmentary, sent by Avraham b. Natan Av to Nahray b. Nissim, in which the writer apologizes for his behavior. Dated ca. 1090. (Information from Mediterranean Society, V, pp. 418, 624 and from Goitein's index cards)
Letter in which the judge Avraham b. Natan Av apologizes for being unable to attend a circumcision ceremony in Fustat because he had been scheduled for another one in Cairo before. The writer asks that his letter of apology be read out during the celebrations. (Information from Mediterranean Society, III, pp. 475, 476)
Letter from Avraham b. Natan in Tyre to Nahray b. Nissim. Dating: ca. 1090–93. During these years, Avraham b. Natan had to flee Tyre due to Munir al-Dawla's revolt. It was during these years that Avraham b. Natan tried to establish his position in Alexandria and al-Mahalla, an attempt reflected in this letter. On Avraham b. Natan's residence in Alexandria see M. Gil, 'Scroll of Evyatar,' p. 89 lines 29-30. See also Goitein, Med. Soc. Vol. 5, p. 596 no. 19. (Information from Frenkel).
Letter by Avraham b. Natan ('ata) concerning the disorder in Tunis and concerning the burial of his father in Jerusalem, 1st quarter of the 11th century.
Letter from the judge Menashshe to the Cairene judge Avraham b. Natan regarding a personal and communal affair in the small town of Sumbutya (Sunbāṭ), Lower Egypt, signed by the judge, the rosh ha-qahal ('head of the congregation') and five others, ca. 1100.
Legal document (validation/qiyyum). Fragmentary (right side only). In the hand of Avraham b. Natan Av. Concerning people such as: [...] b. [...] from Damsīs, Barakāt b. [...], [...] b. Berakhot, Yosef b. [...], [...] b. Ḥalfon ha-Ḥaver, [...] ha-Mumḥe, Avraham b. […], and Avraham b. Ḥal[fon]. (Information from Goitein's notes.) EMS (probably written by Avraham b. Nathan Av [Date: 1094-1115]) AA
Deed of manumission of a female slave. Location: New Cairo. Dated: Wednesday, 18 Sivan 1421 Seleucid, which is 1110 CE. The owner's name is Ṭoviyya b. Yefet the physician. The slave's name is Thabāt, from the land of Greece (מארץ יון). The document is written, signed and witnessed by Avraham b. Natan Av Bet Din and Avraham b. Ḥalfon b. Avraham at the foot of recto and again on verso (attesting that the bill was given to her). (Information in part from CUDL.) VMR. ASE.
Letter from Avraham b. Natan Av ha-Yeshiva, probably Fusṭāṭ, to the cantor Yiṣḥaq b. Avraham, Damsīs. Much of the letter has to do with Avraham asserting his authority, including issuing a stern warning to a man named Ziyād ("this is a donkey's name") in Shubrā Damsīs who is to cease and decist from slaughtering birds, otherwise he will be prosecuted. Avraham also tells the addressee to sell the goods (? tarika) of R. Matitya and send the earnings with Ṣabāh or whomever else from the merchants. Avraham has already received the value of Matitya's goods that had been left behind in Damīra.
A court record written and signed by Avraham b. Nathan Av, at the year 1420 Era of documents (= 1109) regarding a quarrel over a house between Ghariba d. Fadail the widow, who is the haluza (free from levirate marriage) of Yeshu'a Hakohen b. Avraham. Also signed by Ishaq b. Shmuel the Spaniard. AA
Page from a court ledger with some legal documents written by Avraham b. Nathan Av. One of the court records is dated to the year 1099 and deals with items belong to Abu Ya'aqub. The record is starting on verso; left side and there is a reference to אלוף הבינות that is Mevorkah b. Saadya. Signed by [Avraham b. Shma'aya nin] Shma'ayahu Gaon. On the left page of recto a court record between Ma'ali and b. al-Sukari (the sugar maker). Signed by Ishaq b. Sh[muel the Spaniard] together with Avraham who is mentioned above. Verso, right side is written by a different hand regarding Ya'aqov and 'Imran(?). AA
Documentary; document issued in court for Halfon b. Yeshu'ah, who wanted to reverse his purchase of half a house from his brother El'azar for the amount of 10 dinars. He is doing this because is brother is traveling to al-Sham (Palestine or Damascus). Dated 1st Elul 1409 Era of documents (1098). Written by Avraham b. Nathan who signed it together with Ishaq b. Shemuel (the Spaniard), Nissim b. Nahray, Avraham b. Shema'aya ha-Haver. AA