Tag: avraham castro

4 records found
Legal document. In Hebrew. Location: Fustat. Dated: 2 Heshvan 5320 AM, which is 1560 CE. Regarding the will of the late Avraham Castro. Stating that the entire inheritance will be divided evenly between Avraham's sons Moshe Castro and Yaʿaqov Castro. However, Moshe will not receive anything for two years, and in the meantime, Yaʿaqov will be free to do business with the money. During this period, Yaʿaqov will also have to pay for the maintenance and the wedding of Moshe, "the same amount he spends on himself" plus an additional 10 Venetian ducats (peraḥim) each year. Scribed and signed by Eliyya b. David חברייה. Signed also by Makhlūf b. Avraham עקאב.
Late letter in Hebrew, mentioning Avraham Castro (line 5). Needs further examination.
Letter from "Sāsī" to R. D[...]. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: After 1517 CE (uses the term 'basha' twice), but not long after (Avraham Castro appears in the letter). Dealing with business matters. Complaining about someone who mistreated the writer. Mentions Avraham Castro; Ibrāhīm al-Kalaḥ; Mūsā Ḥaqqān. Mentions taxes incumbent on "all who arrive from Hind and Sind and the lands of the Arabs," more than the tithe (ʿushr).
Legal document issued by a beit din likely under the direction of Rabbi David Ibn Abi Zimra (lived 1479-1573CE). In Hebrew. Dated: 10 of Adar (or Av?) 5292 AM, which in either case is 1532 CE. The document involves Avraham Castro who appoints Rabbi David Ibn Abi Zimra to pursue the issuance of a get for his daughter from the hand of her husband Naftali b. Ṣadaqa. Signed by Shemuel ha-Levi [b. Moshe Hakim] and Natan ha-Sofer [b. Abraham]. Information from edition in Dotan Arad's dissertation (p. 351). MCD.