Tag: babylonian academies

12 records found
November 962. A letter from Neḥemya ha-Kohen, Gaon of Pumbedita, probably to the Babylonian community in Fustat. Asks for financial assistance to the academy. Mentions the death of the writer’s brother Ḥofni, av beit din of the academy. Reflects tensions between different factions within the academy. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 54.) Neḥemya ha-Kohen complains that his former letter had been disregarded, and requests to show honour to his messenger, Shelomo b. ʿEli, known as b. Ṭavnay. (Information from the Bodleian Genizah site). On verso, a different hand identified the writer of the letter and copied a short phrase from the letter.
Letter by Saʿadya Gaon to the Jews of Fustat, fragmentarily preserved; this copy 11th century. Saʿadya stresses the importance of the Oral Law, mentions the names of his supporters in Baghdad and urges the Jews of Fustat to maintain close links with him and his Academy, viz., Sura. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 27; the classmark in Gil is incorrect.)
Fragments from a copy of a letter. The writer is a person from Pumbedita (which belongs to a family of several Gaons) to a person in Spain, might be Hisdai b. Shafrut. The copy from the 11th century. Original letter from March/April 953. The letter contains important details about the connections with Spain, as well as about main figures in the Iraqi yeshiva. Mentions the head of the Gola – Shlomo b. Yisha’ayahu. (Gil, Kingdom, vol. 2, Doc. #13) VMR
Draft of a letter from Qayrawān to Yosef b. Yaʿaqov b. ʿAwkal (Fustat), ca. 1010. Mentions consignments of laque and possibly other goods as well (the letter is damaged). Describes a campaign in Qayrawān to raise funds for the Babylonian Academies and the negotiations linked to this campaign. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 581.)
11th-century copy of a letter by Saʿadya Gaon to the Jews of Fustat, fragmentarily preserved. Saʿadya stresses the importance of the Oral Law, mentions the names of his supporters in Baghdad and urges the Jews of Fustat to maintain close links with him and his Academy, viz., Sura. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 27; the classmark in Gil is incorrect.)
Letter from Shemuel b. Eli Gaʾon in Baghdad to an unknown person. In the hand of his disciple Yosef b. Yaʿaqov Rosh ha-Seder of Irbīl. The sender mentions that the community members do not fulfill their duties towards the yeshiva. Also discusses the problem of girls forced to marry against their will. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 207. See also Goitein index card.)
Bottom part of a letter to ... b. Iṣḥaq, possibly from Hayye Gaon, congratulating the recipient on his being appointed rosh kalla. The recipient is asked to get in touch with a certain Farajūn and his nephews, and to support the academy. In the hand of an academy scribe. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 128.)
Letter from Ṣemaḥ b. Yiṣḥaq, gaon of Sura, to Elḥanan b. Shemarya, ca. 990. Contains information about Ṣemaḥ b. Yiṣḥaq and about the academy of Sura. The gaon expresses his wish that Elḥanan b. Shemarya would come to Baghdad, the new location of the academy of Sura. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 133.)
Letter from Ṣemaḥ b. Yiṣḥaq, gaon of Sura, to Elḥanan b. Shemarya, ca. 990. Contains information about Ṣemaḥ b. Yiṣḥaq and about the academy of Sura. The gaon expresses his wish that Elḥanan b. Shemarya would come to Baghdad, the new location of the academy of Sura. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 133.)
Beginning of a letter of Neḥemya ha-Kohen b. Kohen Ṣedeq, a self-proclaimed gaon of Pumbedita, written before August 960. The letter is a polemic against Aharon ha-Kohen b. Yosef (Khalaf b. Sarjādo), gaon of Pumbedita since 943. Mentions the son of Neḥemya, Ṭov. Includes Neḥemya ha-Kohen’s bulla. Verso is blank. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 53.)
Copy of the story of Natan b. Yiṣḥaq the Babylonian, from 'Akhbar Baghdad.' In Judaeo-Arabic, in the hand of Natan (ha-nezer) b. Shemuel. This is a mid 12th-century copy of a mid 10th-century story. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 40.)
Copy of the story of Natan b. Yiṣḥaq the Babylonian, from 'Akhbar Baghdad.' In Judaeo-Arabic, in the hand of Natan (ha-nezer) b. Shemuel. This is a mid 12th-century copy of a mid 10th-century story. (Information from Gil, Kingdom, Vol. 2, p. 40.)