Tag: barley

2 records found
Letter in Judaeo-Arabic. Mentions items the sender found in the house but was afraid to 'come up' (probably to Fustat) with them. Then mentions "I/she weakened" and something better than a ewe (naʿja). He reports on prices: something for 90, fūl for 60, and barley for [...]. Greetings to the sender's paternal uncle and to Abū l-Surūr and his family/wife. (Information in part from CUDL)
Letter describing two meetings with physicians. At least part of the letter is addressed to the sender's mother. The first meeting was a visit to Maimonides, who discussed medical topics with the writer, who intends to being a course of study in medicine as soon he sorts out an issue with his brother and maternal aunt. The second was with another physician who visited the writer, checked his pulse, examined a flask of his urine, and prescribed barley water (kashk shaʿīr). Mention is made of a trip to Alexandria. The fragment mentions others and their wealth and very large debts: Abū Manṣūr, Abū l-Maḥāsin, Rīḍā al-Dawla, Ibn Hillel. It also mentions several distinguished physicians apart from Maimonides. (Information in part from CUDL)