Tag: booklist

63 records found
Book list in both Judaeo-Arabic and Arabic script, with some overlap between the two sections. From Avraham Maimonides' own library? These are all but a few: • al-Adwiya by [...] (on medicines) • al-Mayāmir ('the book of homilies') • Manāfiʿ al-Aʿḍā' • The Maqāmāt of al-Ḥarīrī • [Galen's Therapeutics to] Glaucon (اغلوقن/אגלוקן) • Sharḥ al-ʿAqqār by Ibn Jannāḥ • Nihāyat al-Iqdām by al-Shahrastānī (on kalām theology) • Sharḥ al-Khiṭāba (on oratory) • al-Ḥummāyāt wa-l-Buḥrān (on fevers and crises) • al-Taysīr by Ibn Zuhr • al-Kāfī fī l-Ṭibb • Tadbīr al-Ṣiḥḥa (on regimen) • Al-Miʿyār [fī l-ʿIlm] by al-Ghazālī (on logic) • Isḥāq b. ʿImrān "On the Head"
Book list. Most items are volumes of the Talmud. E.g., a commentary on most of Seder Moed by the Ẓarfatiyyim z"l, an Arabic commentary on the Psalms in four bound volumes. Ends with a note regarding a deceased man named Ezra b. Meir.
Book list, many described by their opening section rather than title, perhaps belonging to R. Yiṣḥaq (see bottom of verso). Ibn Maymūn is listed as one of the authors.
Fihrist (book list) of Shemuel b. Ḥofni Gaon (ZL).
List of books, with prices. Dating: Likely 11th century, as almost all of the texts listed predate the 11th century. One of the items listed is a piece of parchment with the handwriting of Rabbenu Nissim (ZL) (=Nissim b. Yaʿaqov of Qayrawān). There are also books of Perso-Arabic astrology: al-Hīlāj ('the birth') and al-Kadkohdā ('the master of the house'). (Information from Allony, Ben-Shammai, and Frenkel.)
Document (a): Book list. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 13th century, as it mentions the Mishneh Torah and Guide for the Perplexed.
An inventory of books. In Judaeo-Arabic. Dating: 13th century. The list includes books in the hand of R. Anaṭoli and al-Dayyān al-Maskil (identified by Friedman as Shemuel ha-Levi b. Saadya), both deceased at the time the list was written. See Friedman, "Maimonides Appoints R. Anatoly Muqaddam of Alexandria," Tarbiz 83 (2015), p. 155.
Book list in Ladino. On the last page of a literary midrashic work in Hebrew. "These are the books I bought here in Patras (Greece), it is good to know(?)" (אישטוש שון ליש לוברוש קי מירקי אקי אין פאטראש קון בייני אשאביר). Dating: Possibly ca. 1498 CE, if this belongs together with the next fragment. Entries include: Naḥmanides; Sefer ha-Agur; Ibn ʿEzra; Kad ha-Qemaḥ; Sefer Miṣvot ha-Qaṣar; commentary on the Moreh by אפ״ד; two books of liquṭim; a commentary on something ("the first book" or perhaps "the razon"?) of Avicenna and other matters; a commentary on the Higayon of Maimonides with other selections; the Intentions of the Philosophers (Kavanot ha-Pilosofim, the Hebrew translation of Maqāṣid al-Falāsifa) by "Abū Ḥamid" (=al-Ghazālī); an introduction to logic; the laws of Yom Kippur (or from Masekhet Yoma); Moshe Narboni's commentary on the Intentions of the Philosophers; Iggeret ha-Musar; Sefer ha-Malmad (of Jacob Anatoli); the book of Ibn Shuʿayb; Ḥovot ha-Levavot; and a few more. ASE
On recto there is a list of medical books in Judaeo-Arabic. Respectively on the non-naturals, colic, and diet (אלאשיא אלכארגה ען אלטביעיה, רסאלה פי אלקולנג, אלאגדיה). There are numbers underneath each, perhaps prices. There is then a poem (qaṣīd) in Hebrew. On verso there is a different book list in different handwriting, this one clearly business accounts. It *may* be in the handwriting of Abū l-Bayān Moshe b. Levi ha-Levi, and Abū l-Faḍl Ibn Bayān who appears in line 2 *may* be his son. Other people mentioned are Ibn al-Dayyān, Abū l-Thanā', Ibn al-Mashmiaʿ(?), Abū Saʿīd al-Ṭabīb, and Abū l-Faraj b. Abū l-Riḍā.
Book list, probably. Late.
Bodl. MS heb. f 22/19–52 is a notebook of a notary and bookseller, containing drafts of legal deeds, some of them dated (1155, 1159, 1160, 1162), entries about books received in commission for sale or loaned out, accounts, and prescriptions. Within the notebook, Bodl. MS heb. f 22/20v–25r is a Passover Haggada. (Information from Goitein's index card.) See individual records for individual descriptions. The book-related portions were edited by Allony et al., The Jewish Library in the Middle Ages: Book Lists from the Cairo Genizah, 157–80. Transcription awaiting digitization.
List of books that [...] al-Dawla Abū l-Barakāt inherited from the late Abū l-[...]. The first two items are difficult to read (except for maqāla in both and al-malikī in item 2). The remaining items are two volumes of Kitāb al-Filāḥa, a volume of al-Mutanabbī, a volume of Adab al-Kātib, a volume of ashʿār wa-tuḥaf (sounds like a literary anthology), a volume containing a grammar treatise, and two volumes of Kitāb al-Aghānī. 10 books altogether. Dated: Tuesday, 1[8?] Av. The first two items are called نسخة and the remainder جزء. ASE
Book list. Dating: Probably 13th century, as the latest book mentioned is Sefer ha-Madaʿ (from the Mishneh Torah) by Maimonides. (Information from Allony.)
Book list. (Information from Goitein’s index card)
Book list.
Accounts of a bookseller. In Judaeo-Arabic. A note in the margin mentions Avraham ha-Ḥaver ha-Meʿulle ba-Ḥavura and "I, Yefet b. Netanel."
Book list in Hebrew. Dating: Probably 16th century, as the latest author mentioned is Shelomo Almoli (Istanbul, 1460–1530). (Information from AA and Allony et al.)
Book list. Location: Bilbays.
needs examination. Image not available. Apparently a book list in Ladino, per FGP.
List of items deposited with Sayyid[nā?]. In Judaeo-Arabic. Mainly books, mainly Bible and Talmud and commentaries. There are also a couple of other packages (ruzma, ruzayma).